To get the last modification time of the generated HTML file, I wrote a function with simple judgment.
2005-11-10 19:33:44ASP file 6.83 KBSave the following file as mofei.asp file and run it. FSO support is required.
Function fsofiledatemofei(sfile)
'Get the time, type, and size of the file through FSO; sfile is the file name
'Production: Mo Fei
Set fso = Server.CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
if sfile= or isnull(sfile) then sfile=Request.ServerVariables(SCRIPT_NAME)
if not fso.FileExists(server.Mappath(sfile)) then sfile=Request.ServerVariables(SCRIPT_NAME)
Set fsofile=fso.getfile(sfile)
sfilere=sfilere&fsofile.DateLastModified 'File time
sfilere=sfilere&chr(9)&<font color=green>&fsofile.type&</font> 'Type
sfilere=sfilere&chr(9)&round(fsofile.size*1000/1024/1000,2)& KB ' size
set fso=nothing
End Function
response.write fsofiledatemofei(index.asp)
Obviously, modify "index.asp" and change it to the file you need, and then you can judge. There are comments, so you can modify it yourself.