Many friends have used iphunter written by Dugu Swordsman. It uses the principle of posting pictures in a chat room to find the IP of the other party. In fact, it is not just a chat room. As long as someone accesses your machine, you can capture his IP, and even Host name, this principle is also used in Lao Yao's software Deer Hunter. It is easy to implement in Delphi. Now we use Delphi to make a software exactly the same as IPhunter. Some people say that today's programmers have become assembly workers, which actually makes sense. It can be achieved by using control modules + a small amount of code. Delphi 5.0 provides a rich set of Internet controls, and the problem can be solved by using TCP/IP client-server. The key control is ServerSocket. We imitate the interface of IPhunter and use a button1 (button) and a combobox1 (for display). These three most basic controls are placed on the blank form and you can start writing code. First of all, this combobox1 must be able to display multiple IPs. We set a variable y to accumulate combobox1.items[y], var y:integer; Our idea is as follows, when the port (port) of the ServerSocket activity receives an IP address based on the TCP/IP protocol When requesting a link, the IP value of the other party is returned and passed to the combobox for display. Button1 controls the activation of ServerSocket, which means opening and closing the port. We add the code PRocedure TForm1.ServerSocket11ClientConnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin combobox1.Items.Insert(y,');//Add an empty record combobox1.Items[y]: =socket.RemoteAddress;//Get the other party’s IP label1.Text:='Captured in total'+inttostr(y+1)+'IPs';//Use a label to display the total number of IPs captured y:=y+1;//Increase the count variable by 1 socket.Close ; end; Now, set the caption attribute of button1 to 'Start', and add the following code to its click event procedure TForm1.SpeedButton7Click(Sender: TObject); begin if speedbutton7.Caption='Start' then begin serversocket11.Port:=80;//This sentence can be set in the serversocket properties to capture the browser connection ServerSocket11.Active:=true;//Activate the port speedbutton7.Caption:=' Stop'; end else begin serversocket11.Active:=false;//Close the port speedbutton7.Caption:='Start'; combobox1.Clear;//End capture and clear historical information y:=0;//Reset counting variable end; end; Now an IPhunter can basically be used. This is just a very simple prototype. With your own carefully crafted interface, it becomes a network hacking tool. This function is also integrated into Deer Hunter. What is mentioned here is only the most basic ServerSocket. It’s just a few functions. With the addition of ClientSocket, you can make a chat tool. Using only ClientSocket, you can make a scanning software like Agent Hunter. These will be introduced in Lao Yao’s future articles. Next time, I will announce how to use Delphi to create OICQ tools, anonymous information, IP checking, information bombs, etc.....