New term: "Link Factory". It is very vivid, just like a factory. The product of this factory is links, so it is called a link factory. It seems that foreigners really know how to come up with names. Haha, just kidding.
To be precise: a link factory refers to a network system where a large number of web pages are cross-linked to each other to form a link. For example, there are 100 websites. The contents of these websites may not be relevant, but they are linked to each other to form a network structure.
The meaning of link factory existence:
There is only one meaning: to increase some traffic.
Dangers of link factories:
Joining a link factory is very harmful. This is a very unfriendly approach to search engines.
Reason: In the PageRank algorithm, if A links to B and B gets an external link from A, it means that A voted for B. The link factory forms a large number of closed loops of links. In such a loop, except for the starting point and the end point, no other links can be found (or there are very few other links.)
Today's search engines are very smart and will automatically identify link factories. This penalizes all websites that join link factories.
We say: Joining the link factory will bring less traffic, but the traffic brought to you by search engines will account for more than 80%. If we join the link factory, we will sacrifice the good for the weak, losing the watermelon and picking up the sesame.
Summary: Please do not join link factories, otherwise, you will be punished by search engines sooner or later. Always remember: this is a factory that produces garbage. It is easy to get in and difficult to get out. Please stay away from the link factory.
This article is reprinted from Xiaoming's blog, please keep it for reprinting: