How to deal with the Trojan horse hanging on the ASP website database
I believe many people have encountered the database being hacked. Here, I'll talk about how I dealt with it.
Step one: Make a backup of your existing database.
Step two:
Execute the following ASP file to remove the JS Trojan in the database:
Note: I wrote conn.asp myself.
'Put the JS Trojan content here: Please remember to change it to the JS Trojan content in your database.
<!--#include file=conn.asp-->
Set rstSchema = conn.OpenSchema(20)
Do Until rstSchema.EOF 'Traverse the database table
If rstSchema(TABLE_TYPE)=TABLE Then
response.write K&.<font color=red><b>&rstSchema(TABLE_NAME) & </b></font>: 'Display table name
Set rs=Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Recordset)
sql=select * from [ & rstSchema(TABLE_NAME)&] sql,conn,1,3
For i=0 to rs.fields.count-1 'Traverse the fields in the table
If int(rs(i).Type)=129 or int(rs(i).Type)=130 or int(rs(i).Type)=200 or int(rs(i).Type)=201 or int (rs(i).Type)=202 or int(rs(i).Type)=203 Then' only processes fields whose field type is character type
conn.execute(update [&rstSchema(TABLE_NAME)&] set &rs(i).name& =replace(cast(&rs(i).name& as varchar(8000)),'Put JS Trojan content here',''))
response.write rs(i).name & &rs(i).Type & 'Display the executed field name.
End If
response.write <br>
End If
response.Write executed successfully
If there are many database tables, the above traversal of the database structure will be stopped by IIS before it is completed. At this time you can
If rstSchema(TABLE_TYPE)=TABLE Then
Appropriately add the range of k values, such as:
If rstSchema(TABLE_TYPE)=TABLE k>10 and k<20 Then
In this case, only 9 tables will be operated at a time.
Step three:
According to the characteristics of database JS injection (which will include characters such as <script, </script> and http://),
Put the following code in conn.asp:
Function Cheack_Sqljs()'Prevents JS injection from external links in the database: true indicates JS injection from external links is discovered.
Dim F_Post,F_Get
If Request.Form<> Then' Detection when the form is submitted
For Each F_Post In Request.Form
If (Instr(LCase(Request.Form(F_Post)),<script)<>0 or Instr(LCase(Request.Form(F_Post)),</script>)<>0) and Instr(LCase(Request.Form (F_Post)),http://)<>0 Then
Exit For
End If
End If
If Request.QueryString<> Then'QueryString detection on submission
For Each F_Get In Request.QueryString
If (Instr(LCase(Request.Form(F_Get)),<script)<>0 or Instr(LCase(Request.Form(F_Get)),</script>)<>0) and Instr(LCase(Request.Form (F_Get)),http://)<>0 Then
Exit For
End If
End If
End Function
Function CheckDataFrom()'Check the source of submitted data: True means the data is submitted from outside the site
if mid(server_v1,8,len(server_v2))<>server_v2 then
end if
End Function
If Cheack_Sqljs or CheckDataFrom Then
Response.Write <Script Language=JavaScript>alert('Execution prohibited, illegal operation.');</Script>
End If