Copy the code code as follows:
var changeTwoDecimal_f= function (floatvar){
var f_x = parseFloat(floatvar);
if (isNaN(f_x)){
return '0.00';
var f_x = Math.round(f_x*100)/100;
var s_x = f_x.toString();
var pos_decimal = s_x.indexOf('.');
if (pos_decimal < 0){
pos_decimal = s_x.length;
s_x += '.';
while (s_x.length <= pos_decimal + 2){
s_x += '0';
return s_x;
Rounding function provided by js:
Copy the code code as follows:
js rounding function toFixed(), the parameter inside is the number of decimal places to retain.
<script language="javascript">
document.write("<h1>JS example of retaining two decimal places</h1><br>");
var a=2.1512131231231321;
document.write("Original value: "+a+"<br>");
document.write("Two decimal points:"+a.toFixed(2)+"<br>Four decimal points"+a.toFixed(4));