Calculate paging, hey, it’s done in one go without any judgment.
The following is the quoted content:
intNumPage = Abs(Int(-(intNumRecord/intPerPage)))
Format the date into RFC822 format. The previous method was troublesome. Take a look at this simple one.
The following is the quoted content:
Function DateToRFC822(byVal dtaVal)
Dim strCurLocale : strCurLocale = GetLocale()
dtaVal = CDate(dtaVal)
DateToRFC822 = WeekdayName(Weekday(dtaVal),True)&,&_
Right(0&Day(dtaVal),2)& &_
MonthName(Month(dtaVal),True)& &_
Year(dtaVal)& &_
Right(0&Minute(dtaVal),2)&:& _
Right(0&Second(dtaVal),2)& & _
End Function