Copy the code code as follows:
<!--Showing and hiding the pop-up layer-->
<script type="text/javascript">
//Display of pop-up layer
//overlays: is the ID of the mask layer
//wins: ID of the pop-up layer form
//The ID used for dragging in the pop-up layer
function popDIV_show(overlays,wins,wins_title) {
var oLays = documentgetElementById(overlays);
var oWins = documentgetElementById(wins);
var oWins_title = documentgetElementById(wins_title);
var bDrag = false;
var disX = disY = 0;
var w = "";
var n = 1;
if (n > 0) {
oLaysstyledisplay = "block";
oWinsstyledisplay = "block";
oWins_titleonmousedown = function(event) {
var event = event || windowevent;
bDrag = true;
disX = eventclientX - oWinsoffsetLeft;
disY = eventclientY - oWinsoffsetTop;
thissetCapture && thissetCapture();
return false
documentonmousemove = function(event) {
if (!bDrag)
var event = event || windowevent;
var iL = eventclientX - disX;
var iT = eventclientY - disY;
var maxL = documentdocumentElementclientWidth
- oWinsoffsetWidth;
var maxT = documentdocumentElementclientHeight
- oWinsoffsetHeight;
iL = iL < 0 ? 0 : iL;
iL = iL > maxL ? maxL : iL;
iT = iT < 0 ? 0 : iT;
iT = iT > maxT ? maxT : iT;
oWinsstylemarginTop = oWinsstylemarginLeft = 0;
oWinsstyleleft = iL + "px";
oWinsstyletop = iT + "px";
return false;
documentonmouseup = windowonblur = oWins_titleonlosecapture = function() {
bDrag = false;
oWins_titlereleaseCapture && oWins_titlereleaseCapture();
//Hide the pop-up layer
//overlays: is the ID of the mask layer
//wins: ID of the pop-up layer form
function popDIV_hidden(overlays,wins) {
var oWins = documentgetElementById(wins);
var oLays = documentgetElementById(overlays);
oWinsstyledisplay = "none";
oLaysstyledisplay = "none";