Apple has temporarily disabled the notification AI summary feature for news and entertainment apps in the iOS 18.3 developer beta. The feature has been criticized for making serious errors in summarizing content, such as a misreading of a BBC report. Apple says the move is to improve the accuracy of the feature and will re-enable it in a future update. This move triggered discussions among users about the reliability of AI technology and also highlighted Apple's cautious attitude in technological improvements.
Apple recently released the iOS 18.3 developer beta and decided to temporarily disable the notification AI summary function for news and entertainment apps. This feature was originally supported by Apple's smart technology, but it was criticized by many users during its use, especially because it made serious errors in summarizing content, such as misinterpreting BBC reports.
According to reports from MacRumors and 9to5Mac, Apple said it will re-enable this feature in a future software update and continue to improve it. In the latest beta, Apple made it clear that the notification summary feature is still in beta and some bugs may occur. For the convenience of users, Apple has also added a new feature that allows users to turn off notification summaries for specific apps on the lock screen or notification center by "swiping, tapping 'Options,' and then selecting 'Turn off summary'".
In addition, to help users more easily distinguish notification summaries from standard notifications, Apple also uses italics on the lock screen. Apple was criticized last month for its notification summary feature that incorrectly summarized the BBC's coverage of the UnitedHealth shooting, when it incorrectly stated that the BBC said Luigi Mangione committed suicide. In response, Apple later promised to roll out an update to "further clarify that the displayed text is a summary provided by Apple Intelligence."
Currently, Apple is still working hard to improve this feature, and future updates will provide users with a more accurate notification summary experience.
Apple has suspended the news notification summary feature in the iOS 18.3 beta.
Users can turn off notification summaries for specific apps in the new beta.
Apple promises to improve the accuracy of notification summaries in future updates.
Apple’s decision to temporarily suspend the AI summarization feature reflects its emphasis on technical accuracy and user experience. Improvements in future versions are worth looking forward to, which will help increase users’ trust in AI technology and ultimately improve the functionality of the iOS system.