Baidu short URL service introduction:
It is generally implemented in PHP, so how to use ASP for implementation is actually very simple. See the temporary demo written below (save the following code as an ASP file):
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
<%@Language = VBScript CodePage = 65001%>
Response.charset = UTF-8
Session.codePage = 65001
Session.timeout = 1440
Server.scripttimeout = 99999
'Remote acquisition
Function posthttppage (postUrl, PostSet, Postdata, Postreferr)
If Instr (LCASE (POSTURL), HTTP: //) = 0 THEN
Posthttppage = $ NULL $: Exit Function
End if
On error resume next
Dim posthtp
'Set posthttp = server.createObject (msxml2.xmlhttp)
'Set posthttp = server.createObject (microsoft.xmlhttp)
Set posthttp = server.createObject (msxml2.serverxmlhttp)
'Set posthttp = server.createObject (msxml2.serverxmlhttp.3.0)
'Set posthttp = server.createObject (msxml2.serverxmlhttp.4.0)
Posthttp.settimeouts 10000, 10000, 15000, 15000 post, postUrl, false
Posthttp.setRequstheader Content-Length, Len (Postdata)
Posthttp.setRequestHeader Content-Type, Application/X-WWW-Form-Urlencoded
Posthttp.setRequestHeader Referer, Postreferr
Posthttp.send postdata
If posthttp.reamstate <> 4 and posthttp.status <> 200 then
Set posthttp = Nothing
Posthttppage = $ NULL $: Exit Function
End if
Posthttppage = bytestobstr (Posthttp.Responsebody, Postset)
Set posthttp = Nothing
If err.number <> 0 the err.clear
If postppage = or isnull (posthttppage) then posthttppage = $ null $
End function
Function Bytestobstr (Body, CSET)
Dim objstream
Set objstream = Server.createObject (Adodb.Stream)
objstream.type = 1
objstream.mode = 3
objstream.position = 0
objstream.type = 2
objstream.charset = CSET
Bytestobstr = Objstream.readtext
set objstream = Nothing
End function
Function urlencoding (datastr)
Dim Strreturn, SI, Thiskr, InnerCode, Hight8, LOW8
Strreturn =
For si = 1 to len (datastr)
Thischr = MID (datastr, si, 1)
If ABS (ASC (Thiscr)) <& HFF THEN
Strreturn = Strreturn & Thiskr
InnerCode = ASC (thischr)
If innercode <0 then
InnerCode = InnerCode + & H10000
End if
Hight8 = (InnerCode and & HFF00)/ & HFF
LOW8 = InnerCode and & HFF
Strreturn = Strreturn & % & HEX (Hight8) & % & Hex (Low8)
End if
Urlencoding = Strreturn
End function
Dim test_url: test_url = url =
Dim p_data: p_data = urlencoding (test_url)
Dim v_date: v_date = posthtpppage ( ,utf-8,p_data,
JSON data obtained by response.write: & v_date & <br/>
Dim v_json: set v_json = Toobject (v_date)
Response.write original website: & v_json.longurl & <br/>
Response.write short URL: & v_json.tinyurl & <br/>
Set v_json = nothing
<script Language = JScript Runat = Server>
Function ToObject (JSON) {
Eval (var o = + json);
Return o;
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------— -----------------------------------------------------------
The results of the code above are as follows:
JSON data obtained: {Longurl: http:////,status: 0, tinyurl: http:///}
Original website:
The short URL obtained:
The above is simply writing the operating principle. The specific functional application can operate according to your own situation.