2) reply.aspx : the topic viewing and replying page
<%@ page language=c# enablesessionstate=false debug=true %>
<%@ import namespace=system %>
<%@ assembly name=system.data %>
<%@ import namespace=system.data %>
<%@ import namespace=system.data.ado %>
<title>post new topic.</title>
<%-- these are the imported assemblies and namespaces needed --%>
<script language=c# runat=server>
dataset ds ,rs;
datarow dr ;
string postid ;
public void page_load(object sender , eventargs e)
//check if the page is post back
//get the postid from the query string
postid = request.params[postid] ;
//database connection string. change the path to the database file if you have some other path where
//you are saving your database file
string [email protected]provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 ;data source=+server.mappath(.//db//board.mdb) ;
//make a connection to the database
adoconnection myconn = new adoconnection(strconn) ;
//string to select the records from the newpost table
string strcon =select subject, name, email, message ,datefrom newpost where postid=+postid ;
//set a adodatasetcommand
adodatasetcommand mycommand =new adodatasetcommand(strcon,myconn);
ds = new dataset();
//don't ever forget to open the connection
//fill the dataset
mycommand.filldataset(ds,newpost) ;
//get the row at position '0' and store it in a datarow object
//why row at position '0' ? since there can only be one record with the given postid remember !!
//why put into a datarow ? its easy to access data from a datarow
dr = ds.tables[newpost].rows[0] ;
//get the subject from the datarow and set it up in the post reply form's subject field
subject.text=re:+dr[subject].tostring() ;
//select the replies to the post from the reply table
strcon =select name , email, subject, message ,date from reply where postid=+postid ;
//make a new adodatasetcommand and dataset for the reply table
adodatasetcommand mycommand2 =new adodatasetcommand(strcon,myconn);
rs = new dataset() ;
//fill the dataset
mycommand2.filldataset(rs, reply) ;
//code to update the views field for the newpost table
//select the views field from the table for a given postid
strcon =select views from newpost where postid = +postid ;
//make a adocommand here since we want a adodatareader later
adocommand vicomm = new adocommand(strcon, myconn) ;
adodatareader reader ;
//execute the statement and create a adodatareader
vicomm.execute(out reader) ;
//read the first record (there can only be one record remember !)
reader.read() ;
//get a int32 value from the first column (we have one column in the reader, check the select statement above)
int i = reader.getint32(0) ;
//increase the views count
i++ ;
reader.close() ;
//update the newpost table with the new views value
strcon =update newpost set views = +i+ where (postid= +postid+) ;
//since we are using the same adocommand object for this statement too to set the commandtext property
vicomm.commandtext = strcon ;
//since this statement will result in no output we use executenonquery() method
vicomm.executenonquery() ;
//close the connection
// this method is called when the submit button is clicked
public void submit_click(object sender, eventargs e)
//get the postid
postid = request.params[postid] ;
//proceed only if all the required fields are filled-in
datetime now = datetime.now ;
errmess.text= ;
//we have to call the postmessage.aspx page with a query to post the data to the database.
//hence we have to first build the custom query from the data posted by the user
//also since we are using a query we have to encode the data into utf8 format
string req = name=+ system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring(name.text, system.text.encoding.utf8);
req+=&&email=+ system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring(email.text, system.text.encoding.utf8);
req+=&&subject=+system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring(subject.text, system.text.encoding.utf8);
req+=&&ip=+system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring(request.userhostaddress.tostring(), system.text.encoding.utf8);
req+=&&date=+ system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring(now.tostring(), system.text.encoding.utf8);
req+=&&message=+ system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring(message.text, system.text.encoding.utf8);
//encode no to indicate that the post is not a new post but its a reply to a earlier message
req+=&&newpost=+ system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring(no, system.text.encoding.utf8);
req+=&&previd=+ system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring(postid, system.text.encoding.utf8);
//call the postmessage page with our custom query
page.navigate(postmessage.aspx? + req);
errmess.text=fill in all the required fields ! ;
<link href=mystyle.css type=text/css rel=stylesheet></head>
<body topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0>
<%-- include a header file 'header.inc' --%>
<!-- #include file=header.inc -->
<div align=center>
<table border=0 width=80% cellspacing=2>
<tr class=fohead><th width=20%>author name</th>
<th width=80%>message</th></tr>
<%-- below i am encapsulating the email of the author over the name of the author
so that when you click on the author a e-mail gets sent to him
also i am geting the datetime from the database and displaying the date and time separately --%>
<tr class=folight><td rowspan=2 align=center><%= <a href=mailto:+dr[email]+>+dr[name]+</a> %><br>
<font size=1><%= dr[date].tostring().todatetime().toshortdatestring()%><br>
<%= dr[date].tostring().todatetime().toshorttimestring() %></font>
<td><b>subject: </b><%=dr[subject] %></td></tr>
<tr class=folight>
<td><pre><%=dr[message] %></pre> </td>
<%-- get all the replies to the original post and show them --%>
<% int no = rs.tables[reply].rows.count ;
for(int j=0 ;j<no ; j++)
datarow rd = rs.tables[reply].rows[j] ;
<tr class=fodark>
<td align=center><%=<a href=mailto:+rd[email]+>+rd[name]+</a> %><br>
<font size=1><%= rd[date].tostring().todatetime().toshortdatestring()%><br>
<%= rd[date].tostring().todatetime().toshorttimestring() %></font>
<td><pre><%=rd[message] %></pre> </td>
<h3 align=center class=fodark><a href=forum.aspx>click here</a> to go to back to forum.
<br>reply to the above post.</h3>
<asp:label id=errmess text= style=color:#ff0000 runat=server />
<form runat=server>
<table border=0width=80% align=center>
<tr >
<td class=fohead colspan=2><b>reply to the post</b></td>
<tr class=folight >
<td>name :</td>
<td ><asp:textbox text= id=name runat=server /><font color=#ff0000>*</font></td>
<tr class=folight>
<td><asp:textbox text= id=email runat=server/><font color=#ff0000>*</font></td>
<tr class=folight>
<td> subject:</td>
<td><asp:textbox test= id=subject width=200 runat=server/><font color=#ff0000>*</font>
<tr class=folight>
<asp:textbox id=message runat=server
columns=30 rows=15 textmode=multiline></asp:textbox></td>
<tr class=folight>
<td colspan=2>
<asp:button class=fodark id=write onclick=submit_click runat=server text=submit></asp:button></td></tr>
<br><!-- #include file=footer.inc -->