The html page of the mobile terminal,
Write a function.
Copy code code as follows:
Function Showalert (MSG, Fn) {{
showdialog ("Alert", MSG, "Reminder", 260);
if (ISNULL (Fn) == False) {
$ ("#Sd_confirm"). Unbind ("click");
$ ("#Sd_confirm"). Bind ("click", Fn);
Function Exist () {
alert ("aaa");
Fn is a function, I wrote it when I call
Copy code code as follows:
showalert (json.msg, exist ());
As a result, as soon as this line of code, before I walked to the showDialog method, I walked Exist to pop up AAA. This is a matter of time, but I found that I wrote wrong.
Should be written as
Copy code code as follows:
Showalert (json.msg, exist);
In this way, the Dialog Warm prompt will pop up first, and then click OK to pop up AAA.
Sister. It turned out to be the mistakes from parentheses. Khan!