1: Open your Microsoft Visual Basic --->>
Click OK, follow the blue number steps below.
2: Modify the name of the project name and class module --->
Click 3, change 4 to BI, and then point 5:
6 are changed to CJJER.
3: Add to reference ASP --->
Click to quote, and then select the MicroSoft Active Server Pages Object Library.
Click 9 OK.
4 %20: Writing code ---> %20
Option%20ExplicitPrivate%20Context%20AS%20ScriptingContextPrivate%20Application%20AS%20APPRIVATE%20RSPONSE%20AS%20RESPONSEPRIVATE%20Rquest%20A S%20Requestprivate%20Session%20AS%20SessionPrivate%20SERVER%20SERVERPUBLIC%20Sub%20onstartPage (PASSEDSCRIPTCONTEX%20SCRIPTINGCONTEXT) SET%20Context%20 =%20PassetScriptContextSet%20Application%20 =%20Context.app LicationSet%20Rquest%20 =%20RSPONSET%20 =%20 =%20.Rex sponseset%20server%20 =%20Context.serverset%20Session%20 =% 20Context.SessionEnd%20SUBPUBLIC%20SUB%20SHOWSUC () Response.write%20 I am the old farmer of the blue, hello END%20sub '%20 releases the internal object Public Ion%20 =%20nothingset %20Request%20 =%20NothingSet%20Response%20 =%20Nothingset%20Server%20 =%20Session%20 =%20NothingSet%20 =%20 =%20Sub
Among them, except 10 places, everything else is necessary.
10 are the procedures we want to show.
Ctrl+s is stored in d: /mylib/cjjer.cls
Save the project as d: /mylib/bi.vbp
5: Compiled, registered as dll ---->
Click to generate BI.DLL
If there is no warning, then it will be OK. The path is stored in d: /mylib/bi.dll.
Then start --------> Run->
regsvr32 d: /mylib/bi.dll
This is successful.
6: Use BI.DLL ---->
Create an ASP file, input:
<%Dim Bicjjerset Bicjjer = Server.CreateObject (BI.CJJER) BICJER.SHOWSUC ()%>
Browser, preview, as follows:
Note: For the existence name or this modified DLL file, you must stop IIS first, and then restart the registration, otherwise it will always be based on the original.
After testing, the DLL compiled on other machines cannot be used if it is not registered on another machine. It may be that VB has been compiled into DLL in the registry-, and it has been registered. So I can write a path. It's a virtual set,
ASP's external call DLL must be registered in the registration form, and point out again.
I expressed a strong apology for the misleading of me, expressing condolences to all excited IDs.