Chain implementation:
Add and delete elements in a section of the stack, maintain a node to the top of the stack in the stack and the size of a count variable indicator:
Private linearnode top; // point to the top of the stack
Private int count; // The size of the mark stack is out of the stack and the stack at the linked list: (can also be tail, the implementation method is different)
TOP ---> Element 1 ----> Element 2 ---> Element 3 .........
Implementation (with test main):
Package Stack; Import Bag.linearNode; // In order to focus on the algorithm, print out the abnormal situation and exit the program, no longer declare the abnormal class linkedstack iMplements Stackadt {Private LinearNode Top; // Point to the top of the top of the stack; // Public static void main (string [] args) {linkedStack Stack = new linkedstack (); system.out.println ("will be crushed in order"); for (int i = 0; i <10; I ++) stack.push (i); System.out.println ("" continuous execution 5 times out of stack operation "); for (int i = 0; i <5; i ++) stack.pop (); system. out.println ("Is the stack empty?:" + stack.isempty ()); System.out.println ("The size of the stack is:" + stack.size ()); The element is: " + ()); System.out.println (" The top element of the stack is: " + stack.peek ()); Public int size () {Return Count;} Public Boolean Isempty () {Return (SIZE () == 0);} Public Void Push (Object Element) {linearNode Node = New Lin Earnode (Element); Node.setnext (TOP) ; TOP = Node; Count ++;} Public Object Pop () {if (Isempty ()) {System.out.println ("Stack is Empty!"); System.exit (1);} Object Result = Top.Getelement ( );; = Top.getNext (); Count-; Return Result;} Public object peek () {Object Result = TOP.Getelement (); Return Result;}
Run results:
Does the 0 to 10 stack continue the stack of the stack for 5 consecutive times? : False
The size of the stack is: 5
The top element of the stack is: 4
The top element of the stack is: 4
Array implementation:
The bottom of the stack is always the position of 0 in the array.
Private Object [] Contents; Private Int Top; // Top marks the next position to enter the stack. It also indicates the capacity of the stack, compared with chain implementation! Intersection Intersection
Implementation (with test main):
Package Stack; Public Class Array IMPLEMELEMENTS Stackadt {Private Object [] Contents; Private int; // Top marks the next stack position. NT compare! Intersection Intersection Private Static Int Size = 10; Public ArrayStack () {Contents = New Object [SIZE]; TOP = 0;} Public void expand () {// ject [] larger = new object [size ()*2]; for (int index = 0; index <top; index ++) larger [index] = contents [index]; contents = larger;} public int size () urn top;} public BOOLEAN ISEMPTY () {Return (size () == 0);} Public void push (object element) {// if (Isempty ()) // expand (); if (top == Contents.Length) expand () ; Contents [Top] = Element; TOP ++;} Public Object Pop () {if (isempty ()) {system.out.println ("stack is empty!"); result = contents [TOP-1]; Contents [TOP-1] = NULL; // Out of the stack Top-; Return Result;/ * Writing in the book is simpler :: * TOP-; * Object result = contents [TOP] ; * Contents [Top] = null; */} Public object people () {object result; if (isempty ()) result = null; else result = contents [TOPE and Res]; ULT;} Public Static Void Main ( String [] args) {arrayStack Stack = New ArrayStack (); System.out.println ("Press 0 to 24, then out of the stack for 10 consecutive times"); for (int i = 0; i <25; i ++ ) stack.push (i); for (int i = 0; i <10; i ++) stack.pop (); System.out.println ("The size of the stack is:"+stack.size ())); System. Out.println ("Is the stack empty? : " + Stack.isempty ()); System.out.println (" The top element of the stack is: " + stack.peek ());}
Run results:
Press 0 to 24, and then the size of the stack 10 times in a row: 15
Is the stack empty? : False
The top element of the stack is: 14
Use set linkedList to simulate the stack
Java's generics allow LinkedList to simulate storage stacks of various data types, including int, double, string, object, etc., introduce several API interfaces used:
Enter the stack
void addfirst (e e); // Insert the specified element into the beginning of this list
Get the top element of the stack
E getfirst (); // Back to the first element of this list
Out of the stack
E removefirst (); // Remove and return this list of the first element
boolean isempty (); // Judge the stack empty
For example code
Import Java.util.linkedList; Import Java.util.nosucheLementedException; Public Class Simulatack {Private LINKEDList <Integer> st <infleger> (); Public Boolean Isempty () {Return This.Stack.isempty ();} Public void push (int data) {This.stack.addfirst (data);} Public int Pop () Throws NosuchelementedException {Return This.Stack.removefirst ();} Public in T Gettop () Throws NosucheLementedException {Return This.Stack.getFirst ( );} Public Static void main (string args []) {simulatingstack s = new simulatestack (); s.push (1); s.Push (2); while (! )) {int data = s.gettop (); system.out.println (data); s.pop ();}}