Usually in order to rank well, people will buy external links to assist the ranking. Once they don't buy external links, the ranking will drop. If they use free external links to perform, search engines will not take it seriously. Buying external links is a way to improve rankings. A good method, but this method will make the ranking drop quickly. If you have abundant funds, there is nothing to say. If you don’t have funds, you can only buy for one or two months. If you can’t pay the fee next month? Then don’t buy it. , if you buy 100 external links, each external link is 10, which is equivalent to 1,000 yuan, but you don’t pay the fee next month, this will have a great impact on the website. If the external links are suddenly reduced, the website will be demoted, or If you get raped, it will be too late to regret it.
Using free methods to build external links is the best external link. Are you willing to pay for external links, or are you willing to work harder to add external links? Buying external links will rise quickly and fall quickly, while free external links will rise slowly, but the effect is the same. When it comes out, the ranking is guaranteed to be stable for more than half a year. Don’t spend too much money to buy external links. If you have a thousand dollars and want to create a ranking for popular keywords in a month, you can buy it with a thousand dollars, but what should you do next month? What should you do? Just do it with ease!
Reposted at: Shenzhen Travel Agency