External links are an important part of SEO and play a great role in search engine rankings. There are many ways to obtain external links, such as exchanging friendly links, posting articles on forums, writing articles and submitting them to large webmaster sites, purchasing paid links, and more. There are some unfair means such as mass posting of blog messages, black links, etc. There are many ways to create external links. The specific method you use depends on your personal preference. No matter what method you use to create external links, it is a good method. However, once the external links are out, are the quality and effectiveness high enough? The number of external links is indeed Will it really be effective if we continue to increase it?
Some novices have always had this question: My number of external links is much higher than that of that website, why can't my ranking surpass it? In fact, the reason is very simple, it is a matter of "quantity" and "quality". What you have been pursuing It is this "quantity" that your opponent is pursuing, and it is this "quality" that your opponent is pursuing. Therefore, high-quality external links are the key to victory. High-quality external links refer to large websites with high weight, high PR value, and frequent updates. External links pointing to your website are high-quality links. Generally, if you exchange friendly links, The links obtained by the home page with high weight are also of high quality. I do not recommend linking to internal pages. Some people rely on the high PR of their home page to fool novices into making internal links. In fact, this is not worth the effort, even if No matter how high the PR of your homepage is and how high the weight is, the weight and PR of your internal pages may not be high.
Now the webmaster website has also launched some services for writing soft articles. Generally, the quality of the links exported by articles with high originality is also good. External links such as the blog comments and forums we just mentioned are spam links. High-quality links are also very beneficial to improving PR. Although some sites have too many links, their PR is still 0. The relevance of the links is extremely poor, and the links obtained will naturally be of low quality, so the relevance of the content also determines the external content. Link quality is an important factor. Only by taking these factors into consideration can we get high-quality and effective external links.
Source: Hebei Laoxu SEO training
Address: http://www.hebeiseo.org
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