Alexa ( is a website that specializes in publishing world rankings of websites. Its most attractive features are website browsing rate statistics and world rankings. It collects more than 1,000GB of information from the Internet every day, and then integrates and publishes it. So what does Alexa ranking do?
For non-commercial websites, the role of ranking is to satisfy personal humility. If someone wants to place ads on your website, Alexa ranking is an important basis for charging. (Usually only when your ranking is higher will someone ask you to invest a small amount of advertising.)
For commercial websites, ranking is more important. First of all, it is one of the basis for advertising charging. Secondly, it is one of the basis for evaluating the value of the website (if the domain name or website is to be resold in the future). Again, it is a reporting point for hype news. Finally, it is an important way to closely monitor your competitors.
How to log in to Alexa and have your website successfully included by Alexa? The main steps are as follows:
1. Log in to Alexa’s website (, and then enter (your own domain name) in the top address input box. Then press Enter (or go button);
2. Please click "overview" on the page that opens;
3. After entering the overview page, select and click "edit ××××.cn contact info..." (Note that ××××.cn is the domain name just entered. If you entered another domain name previously, then this for other domain names);
4. After entering the Edit contact info page, you can add your website information.
The corresponding English comparison is as follows:
Site Owner: Webmaster (domain name owner)
Address1: Address 1 Address2: Address 2
City: City State/Province: Province Postal/Zip Code: Postal code
Country: Phone & Fax Number: Telephone and Fax (optional) E-mail: Email
5. After inputting, select continue. On the next page, you can choose to use "email" to verify, or directly right-click the "info.txt" file and save it locally. directory, and then upload the info.txt file to the root directory of your website. After uploading, just click "go fetch".