Recently, our company held a small meeting and seminar. Most of them have their own opinions on the development trend of search engines. The following are some conclusions that our company has made on the development of search engines for your reference and mutual learning. QQ: 313160826! Welcome to communicate!
Search engines are showing a platform-oriented development trend. Search services are gradually closely integrated with news releases, communities, blogs and Q&A platforms, and users can enjoy a series of network services under the same search engine brand. The use of cookie technology can effectively monitor users' online behavior on large search platforms, providing convenience for accurately locating target audiences.
Through monitoring user behavior, I believe that when users use search engines, they largely compare information before making purchases and query related keywords through network searches. In addition, users will also use sub-channels such as news search to pay attention to the content and price dynamics of target products or services. Moreover, users will participate extensively in Q&A platforms, communities and blogs to learn about other experienced people’s opinions and suggestions on target goods or services, and combine them with reports and comparative reviews provided by vertical websites to ultimately decide on purchases and transactions.
Since search services gradually have the above-mentioned service functions, when advertisers consider search engine marketing, they can no longer simply think that search engine marketing equals keyword placement. They should also include other suitable advertising forms to fully influence the target audience. , or even combined with offline advertising display.
First, consider search engine marketing as an important component of online and offline and traditional media online media marketing, especially closely integrated with advertisers’ offline activities; secondly, in online marketing, consider search engine marketing as the foundation For necessary marketing considerations, prioritize the launch of an integrated search platform with diverse network services, so that it can be covered together with communities and Q&A platforms.
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