How to find 13 Chinese characters for Wangjiang? Jiang belongs to a Chinese character with an upper and lower structure, and the radical is unitary, which is very common in daily life. Next, I will bring you a detailed guide to finding 13 Chinese characters for Wangjiang to pass the level. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.
1. Find out the 13 characters: Jiang, Yi, Er, San, You, Wu, Xi, Xi, Kou, Ri, Er, Bu, Ren
2. Xi can be found in the upper part of the character Jiang, and the character You can be found below. If you remove a horizontal line from You, it means 西
3. The upper part of the character You can be divided into Wu Ji'er, the middle part is Kou and Ri, and the horizontal parts are One, Two and Three respectively.
4. The vertical dot above the character Jiang is the character Bu, and the apostrophe and dot of the character Xi can form the character herringbone.
Follow this idea to find 13 common Chinese characters
5. The above is the detailed guide to find 13 Chinese characters to pass the level of Wangjiang. Go and try it.