OFFPAGE optimization is relative to Onpage optimization, that is, the construction of external links. If you want to have a good ranking in Google, you have to put a lot of effort into Offpage optimization. Correctly performing offpage optimization will significantly improve your Google ranking! Generally, when we perform offpage optimization, we need to grasp the following factors, so entering the homepage will not be a dream.
1. Which websites and how many websites link to your website?
These two indicators determine the number of friendly links in your external link reminder and the categories of websites that recommend you.
2. PR value and link words of the other party’s website
The higher the other party's site's PR value relative to yours, the greater its recommendation to you. The link words will serve as the keywords of your backlink, which is also more important.
3. Number of export links from the other party’s website
The fewer the number of exported links from the other site, the better. The more useful the recommendation will be to you. Generally, we will not exchange links if the link exceeds 100.
4. Is the other party’s website an authoritative site relative to Google?
That is, whether the spider often goes to his site to collect some useful information, the more frequently the spider goes, the better.
5. Number of links to the other party’s site
What you need to pay attention to is: don’t make cross-links, multiple websites with the same IP address, and don’t make more links! Use these standards to optimize OFFpage, your seo advantages will be highlighted, and your Google ranking will definitely rise.
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