The magical girl manga "Cardcaptor Sakura" created by CLAMP announced the sequel production of the TV animation "Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Chapter" (Japanese: カードキャプターさくらクリアカード) at the Sakura Fes 2023 event held earlier. Confirmed news, broadcast time and detailed information will be announced at a later date.
The manga "Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Arc" has been serialized since 2016, and will be launched as a TV animation on January 7, 2018, produced by MADHOUSE. The original single volume has been released to volume 14, and the final volume is expected to be released in Japan on October 13. The story begins with Kinomoto Sakura and Li Xiaolang entering junior high school. It describes a time when Sakura had a dream. She dreamed that the patterns on the 53 Sakura cards disappeared. After a mysterious figure appeared, Sakura heard the sound of glass breaking. After Sakura woke up from this dream, she opened the sealed book and found that all the Sakura cards had become transparent! After discussing with Tomoyo Daidaiji, Syaoran and Elio, Sakura embarked on the journey of collecting transparent cards again. story.