Many novice players in Huaxia Life don’t know what the instructions are. The existence of instructions will bring a lot of convenience to the game and improve the player's gaming experience. Currently, commands are not very important for veteran players. Let’s take a look at the introduction of the Huaxia Life game instructions.
1. Operation on items under your feet: . put +space+item id ;
Put 0 means clearing the space under your feet;
2. Lay the floor: . floor+space+floor id ;
Floor 0 means clearing the floor under your feet;
3. In the game, by adding the English initials of southeast, northwest, and southeast to the command, you can operate up, down, left, and right;
For example: North .putn 30 means to put gooseberries in the north position;
The same goes for laying floors in all directions. Add directions after .floor.