Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is the next installment in the action/adventure series, a narrative-driven single-player game that chronicles the journey of Jedi Kal Kestis and will expand upon the experiences first experienced in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order story, world, characters, and combat. Let us take a look below.
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is the next installment in the action/adventure series, a narrative-driven single-player game that chronicles the journey of Jedi Kal Kestis and will expand upon the experiences first experienced in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order story, world, characters, and combat.
Its story will take place five years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Follow in the footsteps of Carl and engage in increasingly difficult duels with enemies from all sides as the galaxy plunges further into darkness. Driven to the edge of the galaxy by Imperial forces, Kal will find himself increasingly surrounded by threats old and new.
As one of the last survivors of the Jedi Order, Kal was forced to stand up during the galaxy's darkest times - but how far would he go to protect himself, his teammates, and the legacy of the Jedi Order?
- Tons of customization content (lightsabers, hairstyles, clothing, etc.)
- Jedi puzzle room (similar to BOTW temple)
- Many new ride options (catch rides, mounts)
- Confirmation of side missions
- Semi-open world
- There are at least 7 big planets in the game
- Five combat stances (3 at the start of the game)
- New Force skills
- The map has been greatly expanded