<!--To achieve this effect, two steps are required. The first step is to add the following code to the <head> area--> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- hide script from old browsers var phrase = " Welcome to the Website Building Academy->>Provide you with all website building information"; var lenPhrase = phrase.length; var phraseOut = ""; var pause = 100; var i=0; var j=0; function explode() { i++; phraseOut = ""; for (j=1; j<=(lenPhrase/2)-i; j++) { phraseOut += " "; } for (j=1; j<=i; j++) { phraseOut += phrase .charAt(j-1); } for (j=i; j>=1; j--) { phraseOut += phrase.charAt(lenPhrase-j); } for (j=1; j<=(lenPhrase/ 2)-i; j++) { phraseOut += " "; } window.status = phraseOut; if (i<lenPhrase/2) { setTimeout("explode()",pause); } } // end hiding contents -- > </SCRIPT> <!--Step 2: Add "OnLoad="explode()"" to the <body> tag--> <body OnLoad="explode()">