<!--To achieve this effect, two steps are required. The first step is to add the following code to the <head> area--> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function settitle() { var a = "Do you see the changes here?"; var b = "This script will automatically change the title after ten seconds"; var c = "Have you thought about what to put here?"; var t = new Date() ; s = t.getSeconds(); if (s == 10) { document.title = a;} else if (s == 20) { document.title = b;} else if (s == 30) { document .title = c;} else if (s == 40) { document.title = a;} else if (s == 50) { document.title = b;} else if (s == 00) { document.title = c;} setTimeout("settitle()", 1000); } // End --> </script> <!-- Step 2: Add "onLoad="settitle()"" to the <body> tag Inside --> <body onLoad="settitle()">