<!--To achieve this effect, two steps are required. The first step is: add the following code to the <head> area--> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin var data = "0123456789"; var done = 1; function statusIn(text) { decrypt(text, 2, 1); } function statusOut() { self.status = ''; done = 1; } function decrypt(text, max, delay) { if (done ) { done = 0; decrypt_helper(text, max, delay, 0, max); } } function decrypt_helper(text, runs_left, delay, charvar, max) { if (!done) { runs_left = runs_left - 1; var status = text.substring(0, charvar); for (var current_char = charvar; current_char < text.length; current_char++) { status += data.charAt(Math.round(Math.random()*data.length)); } window .status = status; var rerun = "decrypt_helper('" + text + "'," + runs_left + "," + delay + "," + charvar + "," + max + ");" var new_char = charvar + 1; var next_char = "decrypt_helper('" + text + "'," + max + "," + delay + "," + new_char + "," + max + ");" if(runs_left > 0) { setTimeout (rerun, delay); } else { if (charvar < text.length) { setTimeout(next_char, Math.round(delay*(charvar+3)/(charvar+1))); } else { done = 1; } } } } // End --> </script> <!--Step 2: Add the following code to the <body> area--> <center> <a href="http://www.downcodes. com/js/" onMouseOver="statusIn('The JavaScript [http://www.downcodes.com/js/]');return true;" onMouseOut="statusOut();">www.downcodes.com</ a> </center>