Web page special effects code: four very good mouse following dynamic prompt text effects
<head> <title>Nice mouse following dynamic prompt downcodes.com</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/ html; charset=gb2312"> <script> //--Initialize variables-- // from downcodes.com var rT=true;//Allow image transition var bT=true;//Allow image to fade in and out var tw=150; //Prompt box width var endaction=false;//End animation var ns4 = document.layers; var ns6 = document.getElementById && !document.all; var ie4 = document.all; offsetX = 0; offsetY = 20; var toolTipSTYLE =""; function initToolTips() { if(ns4||ns6||ie4) { if(ns4) toolTipSTYLE = document.toolTipLayer; else if(ns6) toolTipSTYLE = document.getElementById("toolTipLayer").style; else if (ie4) toolTipSTYLE = document.all.toolTipLayer.style; if(ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); else { toolTipSTYLE.visibility = "visible"; toolTipSTYLE.display = "none"; } document.onmousemove = moveToMouseLoc ; } } function toolTip(msg, fg, bg) { if(toolTip.arguments.length < 1) // hide { if(ns4) { toolTipSTYLE.visibility = "hidden"; } else { //--image transition , fade-out processing-- if (!endaction) {toolTipSTYLE.display = "none";} if (rT) document.all("msg1").filters[1].Apply(); if (bT) document.all( "msg1").filters[2].Apply(); document.all("msg1").filters[0].opacity=0; if (rT) document.all("msg1").filters[1]. Play(); if (bT) document.all("msg1").filters[2].Play(); if (rT){ if (document.all("msg1").filters[1].status== 1 || document.all("msg1").filters[1].status==0){ toolTipSTYLE.display = "none";} } if (bT){ if (document.all("msg1").filters [2].status==1 || document.all("msg1").filters[2].status==0){ toolTipSTYLE.display = "none";} } if (!rT && !bT) toolTipSTYLE. display = "none"; //---------------------- } } else // show { if(!fg) fg = "#777777"; if (!bg) bg = "#eeeeee"; var content = '<table id="msg1" name="msg1" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="' + fg + ' " class="trans_msg"><td>' + '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="' + bg + '"><td width=' + tw + '> <font face="Arial" color="' + fg + '" size="-2">' + msg + ' </font></td></table></td></table >'; if(ns4) { toolTipSTYLE.document.write(content); toolTipSTYLE.document.close(); toolTipSTYLE.visibility = "visible"; } if(ns6) { document.getElementById("toolTipLayer").innerHTML = content; toolTipSTYLE.display='block' } if(ie4) { document.all("toolTipLayer").innerHTML=content; toolTipSTYLE.display='block' //--Image transition, fade-in processing-- var cssopaction= document.all("msg1").filters[0].opacity document.all("msg1").filters[0].opacity=0; if (rT) document.all("msg1").filters[1] .Apply(); if (bT) document.all("msg1").filters[2].Apply(); document.all("msg1").filters[0].opacity=cssopaction; if (rT) document .all("msg1").filters[1].Play(); if (bT) document.all("msg1").filters[2].Play(); //--------- ------------- } } } function moveToMouseLoc(e) { if(ns4||ns6) { x = e.pageX; y = e.pageY; } else { x = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft; y = event.y + document.body.scrollTop; } toolTipSTYLE.left = x + offsetX; toolTipSTYLE.top = y + offsetY; return true; } </script> <style type="text /css"> <!-- .trans_msg { filter:alpha(opacity=100,enabled=1) revealTrans(duration=.2,transition=1) blendtrans(duration=.2); } --> </style> </head> <script> </script> <body> <div id="toolTipLayer" style="position:absolute; visibility: hidden"></div> <script>initToolTips()</script> <font face ="Arial"> <a href="#" onMouseOver="toolTip('This is a good thing<br>What do you think<br>Haha')" onMouseOut="toolTip()">Test 1</a> </font> <font face="Arial"> <a href="#" onMouseOver="toolTip('Do you want it? It's really good to use it', '#FFFF00', 'red')" onMouseOut=" toolTip()">Test 1</a></font> <font face="Arial"> <a href="#" onMouseOver="toolTip('This is a good thing<br>What do you think<br> Haha', '#FFFF00', 'orange')" onMouseOut="toolTip()">Test 3</a></font> <font face="Arial"> <a href="#" onMouseOver="toolTip ('<marquee>Run! Run</marquee>', '#FFFF00', 'orange')" onMouseOut="toolTip()">Test 4</a></font> </body>