<!-- http://www.downcodes.com/js --> <!-- bbs http://www.downcodes.com/bbs--> <!-- Complete HTML code--> <html > <head> <title> Color change of a certain area in the web page</title> <style> .a{background-color:blue;} .b{background-color:white;} </style> <script> function colorOn() { if(document.getElementById("c").className=="a") document.getElementById("c").className="b"; else document.getElementById("c").className=" a"; setTimeout("colorOn()",190) } </script> </head> <body onload="colorOn()"> <span id=c style="position:absolute;top:20pt;left: 100pt;width=530;height=25;">Nanyang Institute of Technology Notice: Microsoft Demonstration Examination will be postponed to April 2005</span> </body> </html> <br><br><br> <p ><font color=red>//Author: School of Software, Nanyang Institute of Technology, Ren Binyu Contact: 0377-3114024, 0373-7916269 </font></p>