<HTML> <HEAD> <META http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=gb2312'> <TITLE>A mouse-movable layer displayed on the page with a close button, cool Effect</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <STYLE type=text/css> #floater { LEFT: 400px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 120px; VISIBILITY: visible; WIDTH: 160px; Z-INDEX: 10 } </STYLE> <DIV align=center id=floater style="HEIGHT: 98px; WIDTH: 240px;"> <TABLE bgColor=#deefef border=1 borderColor=#008000 borderColorDark=#00ff00 borderColorLight=#ff00ff cellPadding=2 cellSpacing =1 width="240"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width="100%"> <P align=center>Welcome to the Website Building Academy<BR>JavaScript column! </P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD width="100%"> Welcome to the Website Building Academy. If you have any comments and suggestions, please feel free to put them forward. Your opinions are our promotion, and we will We will try our best to serve you. Please support our work. Every step of our growth will have your footprints! ! ! <BR> If you have any good suggestions and opinions, you can write to me. If you have good examples, I hope to consult and learn from you. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> self.onError=null; currentX = currentY = 0; whichIt = null; lastScrollX = 0; lastScrollY = 0; NS = (document.layers) ? 1 : 0; IE = (document.all) ? 1: 0; <!-- STALKER CODE --> function heartBeat() { if(IE) { diffY = document.body.scrollTop ; diffX = document.body.scrollLeft; } if(NS) { diffY = self.pageYOffset; diffX = self.pageXOffset; } if(diffY != lastScrollY) { percent = .1 * (diffY - lastScrollY); if(percent > 0) percent = Math.ceil(percent); else percent = Math.floor(percent); if(IE) document.all.floater.style.pixelTop += percent; if(NS) document.floater.top += percent; lastScrollY = lastScrollY + percent; } if(diffX != lastScrollX) { percent = .1 * (diffX - lastScrollX); if(percent > 0) percent = Math.ceil(percent); else percent = Math.floor( percent); if(IE) document.all.floater.style.pixelLeft += percent; if(NS) document.floater.left += percent; lastScrollX = lastScrollX + percent; } } <!-- /STALKER CODE -- > <!-- DRAG DROP CODE --> function checkFocus(x,y) { stalkerx = document.floater.pageX; stalkery = document.floater.pageY; stalkerwidth = document.floater.clip.width; stalkerheight = document.floater .clip.height; if( (x > stalkerx && x < (stalkerx+stalkerwidth)) && (y > stalkery && y < (stalkery+stalkerheight))) return true; else return false; } function grabIt(e) { if (IE) { whichIt = event.srcElement; while (whichIt.id.indexOf("floater") == -1) { whichIt = whichIt.parentElement; if (whichIt == null) { return true; } } whichIt.style .pixelLeft = whichIt.offsetLeft; whichIt.style.pixelTop = whichIt.offsetTop; currentX = (event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft); currentY = (event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop); } else { window. captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); if(checkFocus (e.pageX,e.pageY)) { whichIt = document.floater; stalkerTouchedX = e.pageX-document.floater.pageX; StalkerTouchedY = e.pageY-document.floater.pageY ; } } return true; } function moveIt(e) { if (whichIt == null) { return false; } if(IE) { newX = (event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft); newY = (event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop); distanceX = (newX - currentX); distanceY = (newY - currentY); currentX = newX; currentY = newY; whichIt.style.pixelLeft += distanceX; whichIt.style.pixelTop += distanceY; if(whichIt.style.pixelTop < document.body.scrollTop) whichIt.style.pixelTop = document.body.scrollTop; if(whichIt.style.pixelLeft < document.body.scrollLeft) whichIt.style.pixelLeft = document.body. scrollLeft; if(whichIt.style.pixelLeft > document.body.offsetWidth - document.body.scrollLeft - whichIt.style.pixelWidth - 20) whichIt.style.pixelLeft = document.body.offsetWidth - whichIt.style.pixelWidth - 20; if(whichIt.style.pixelTop > document.body.offsetHeight + document.body.scrollTop - whichIt.style.pixelHeight - 5) whichIt.style.pixelTop = document.body.offsetHeight + document.body.scrollTop - whichIt.style. pixelHeight - 5; event.returnValue = false; } else { whichIt.moveTo(e.pageX-StalkerTouchedX,e.pageY-StalkerTouchedY); if(whichIt.left < 0+self.pageXOffset) whichIt.left = 0+self. pageXOffset; if(whichIt.top < 0+self.pageYOffset) whichIt.top = 0+self.pageYOffset; if( (whichIt.left + whichIt.clip.width) >= (window.innerWidth+self.pageXOffset-17) ) whichIt.left = ((window.innerWidth+self.pageXOffset)-whichIt.clip.width)-17; if( (whichIt.top + whichIt.clip.height) >= (window.innerHeight+self.pageYOffset-17 )) whichIt.top = ((window.innerHeight+self.pageYOffset)-whichIt.clip.height)-17; return false;} return false; } function dropIt() { whichIt = null; if(NS) window.releaseEvents (Event.MOUSEMOVE); return true; } <!-- DRAG DROP CODE --> if(NS) { window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP|Event.MOUSEDOWN); window.onmousedown = grabIt; window.onmousemove = moveIt; window.onmouseup = dropIt; } if(IE) { document.onmousedown = grabIt; document.onmousemove = moveIt; document.onmouseup = dropIt; } if(NS || IE) action = window.setInterval("heartBeat()", 1); </SCRIPT> </BODY></HTML>