<!--The complete HTML code is as follows:--> <html> <head> </head> <body bgcolor="#000000" onLoad="glowtext()"> <script language=javaScript> <!-- / /more http://www.downcodes.com var thissize=20 var textfont="official script" var textcolor= new Array() textcolor[0]="000000" textcolor[1]="000000" textcolor[2]=" 000000" textcolor[3]="111111" textcolor[4]="222222" textcolor[5]="333333" textcolor[6]="444444" textcolor[7]="555555" textcolor[8]="666666" textcolor[9]="777777" textcolor[10]="888888" textcolor[11]="999999" textcolor[12]="aaaaaa" textcolor[13]="bbbbbb" textcolor[14]="cccccc" textcolor[ 15]="dddddd" textcolor[16]="eeeeee" textcolor[17]="ffffff" textcolor[18]="ffffff" var message = new Array() message[0]="There was once a sincere love In front of me" message[1]="But I don't know how to cherish it" message[2]="I regret it now that I think about it" message[3]="If God gives me another chance, I will say to that girl " message[4]="I! Love! You!" message[5]="If you have to add a time limit to this love" message[6]="I hope it is" message[7]="Ten thousand years " i_message=0 var i_strength=0 var i_message=0 var timer function glowtext() { if(document.all) { if (i_strength <=17) { glowdiv.innerText=message[i_message] document.all.glowdiv.style. filter="glow(color="+textcolor[i_strength]+", strength=4)" i_strength++ timer=setTimeout("glowtext()",100) } else { clearTimeout(timer) setTimeout("deglowtext()",1500 ) } } }function deglowtext() { if(document.all) { if (i_strength >=0) { glowdiv.innerText=message[i_message] document.all.glowdiv.style.filter="glow(color="+textcolor [i_strength]+", strength=4)" i_strength-- timer=setTimeout("deglowtext()",100) } else { clearTimeout(timer) i_message++ if (i_message>=message.length) {i_message=0} i_strength= 0 intermezzo() } } } function intermezzo() { glowdiv.innerText="" setTimeout("glowtext()",1500) } //--> </script> <div id="glowdiv" style="position: absolute;visibility:visible;width:600px;text-align:center; top:188px;left:87px;font-family:official script;font-size:30pt;color:000000"></div> </body> < /html>