<!--To achieve this effect, three steps are required. The first step is: add the following code to the <head> area--> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> neonBaseColor = "White"; neonColor = "00ff00"; num = 0; num2 = 0; num3 = 0; num4 = neonColor; function startNeon() { message = neon.innerText; neon.innerText = ""; for(i = 0; i != message.length; i++) { neon .innerHTML += "<span id="neond" style="color:"+neonBaseColor+"">"+message.charAt(i)+"</span>"}; neon2(); } function neon2() { if(num != message.length) { document.all.neond[num].style.color = neonColor; num++; setTimeout("neon2()", 100); } else { num = 0; num2 = message.length; setTimeout("neon4onev()", 2000); } } function neon4onev() { document.all.neond[num].style.color = neonBaseColor; document.all.neond[num2-1]. style.color = neonBaseColor; if(Math.floor(message.length / 2) + 1 != num2) { num++; num2--; setTimeout("neon4onev()", 50); } else { setTimeout("neon5( )", 50); } } function neon5() { if(num3 != message.length && num3 != message.length+1) { document.all.neond[num3].style.color = neonColor; num3 = num3 + 2; setTimeout("neon5()",100); } else { setTimeout("neon52()", 50); } } function neon52() { if(num3 == message.length) { num3++; neon52a() ; } else { num3--; neon52a(); } } function neon52a() { if(num3 != 1) { num3 = num3 - 2; document.all.neond[num3].style.color = neonColor; setTimeout( "neon52a()", 100); } else { if(num4 == neonColor) { num3 = 0; neonColor = neonBaseColor; setTimeout("neon5()", 2000); } else { neonColor = num4; num3 = 0; setTimeout("neon4onev2()", 50); } } } function neon4onev2() { document.all.neond[num].style.color = neonColor; document.all.neond[num2 - 1].style.color = neonColor ; if(message.length != num2) { num--; num2++; setTimeout("neon4onev2()", 50); } else { num = 0; num2 = 0; setTimeout("neon3()", 2000); } } function neon3() { if(num != message.length) { document.all.neond[num].style.color = neonBaseColor; num++; setTimeout("neon3()", 100); } else { num = 0; neon2(); } } </script> <!--Step 2: Add the following code to the <body> area--> <span id="neon">www.downcodes.com</span> <!--Step 3: Add "onLoad="startNeon()"" to the <body> tag. For example: --> <body onLoad="startNeon()">