"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" officially stated that the single-player mode and multi-player mode in the game are two independent worlds, and players can choose to switch between them.
How to combine "single player mode" and "multiplayer mode" in the game? Is there any difference between the two?
——The single-player mode and multi-player mode in our game are two independent worlds, and players can choose to switch between them. A very important aspect of the open world is the immersion of the single-player experience, which must be guaranteed. At the same time, we also hope to add some fun to the multiplayer mode, so that it can also meet the needs of different players or the same player in different situations.
We have also investigated many open world games and found that more and more games are paying attention to the compatibility of single-player experience and multi-player fun. We have been exploring and trying during this process. The single-player mode and the multi-player mode will each have some exclusive gameplay. Judging from the results we ultimately want to achieve, it is difficult to define which game is exactly the same. There will be many innovations of our own, which will be gradually improved through continuous trial and error. When we are done, everyone is welcome to come and test the results!