<!-- Add the following code to the <body> area--> <!-- http://bbs.downcodes.com--> <!--The complete HTML code is as follows:--> <HTML> <HEAD > <TITLE>Website Building Academy-Special Effects Code->>Flashing Pictures</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY ONLOAD="soccerOnload()" topmargin="0"> <DIV ID="soccer" STYLE=" position:absolute; left:150; top:0"> <a href="http://www.downcodes.com" target="_blank"> <IMG SRC="/u/info_img/2009-06/20/ 1229_logo.gif" border="0"></a> </DIV> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var msecs = 500; //Change the time to get different flash intervals; var counter = 0; function soccerOnload() { setTimeout("blink()", msecs); } function blink() { soccer.style.visibility = (soccer.style.visibility == "hidden") ? "visible" : "hidden"; counter +=1; setTimeout("blink()", msecs); } </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML>