As a game with huge production cost, exquisite graphics and unique game mechanics, Daughter of the Volcano is very popular among players. There is such a problem that has been bothering players in this game, and that is the guide to the complete ending condition table of "Daughter of the Volcano". Today, the editor will teach you how to quickly solve this problem. Let’s go directly to the topic.
Description of numerical units in the table
The main outcome parameters are
The charm of the mind with three major powers
Fourth Middle School: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional Imagination
Eight small items: swordsmanship, archery, science, belief, etiquette, literature, painting, music
Other dark reputations, etc.
Among them, three major items and dark units are ten reputation units, and the rest are all hundred.
The default is ≥ Only dark values have ≤ requirements
In order (left)
In order (right)