1. When you click a link for the first time, you will be prompted to set it as the homepage. Note: When you open the website for the first time, if you click any link, you will be prompted to set it as the homepage.
program code
<!--Change <body> to -->
<body onclick="this.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)';if(!(this.isHomePage('http://www.zzsky.cn'))&&setN!=1){this. sethomepage('http://www.XX.cn');setN=1;}">
2. When you click a link for the first time, you will be prompted to add it to your favorites. Instructions: When you open the website for the first time, if you click any link, you will be prompted to add
the program code
to your favorites.
<!--Change <body> to -->
<body onClick="if(setN!=1){window.external.addFavorite('http://www.XXX.cn','XXXX);setN=1;}">