<html> <title>Very practical special effects for selecting input dates downcodes.com</title> <head> <script language="javascript"> <!-- //============ ====================================== Parameter setting part====== ================================================= var bMoveable=true; //Set whether the calendar can be dragged var _VersionInfo="Version:2.0" //Version information//======================== ============================ WEB page display part================== =================================== var strFrame; //Store the HTML code of the calendar layer document.writeln( '<iframe bgcolor="#000000" id=downcodesDateLayer Author=wayx frameborder=0 style="position: absolute; width: 186; height: 247; z-index: 9998; display: none"></iframe>') ; strFrame='<style>'; strFrame+='INPUT.button{BORDER-RIGHT: #B3C9E1 1px solid;BORDER-TOP: #B3C9E1 1px solid;BORDER-LEFT: #B3C9E1 1px solid;'; strFrame+='BORDER- BOTTOM: #ff9900 1px solid;BACKGROUND-COLOR: #EDF2F8;font-family:宋体;}'; strFrame+='TD{FONT-SIZE: 9pt;font-family:宋体;}'; strFrame+='</style> '; strFrame+='<scr' + 'ipt>'; strFrame+='var datelayerx,datelayery; /*Store the mouse position of the calendar control*/'; strFrame+='var bDrag; /*Mark whether to start dragging*/' ; strFrame+='function document.onmousemove() /*In the mouse move event, if you start dragging the calendar, move the calendar*/'; strFrame+='{if(bDrag && window.event.button==1)'; strFrame+=' {var DateLayer=parent.document.all.downcodesDateLayer.style;'; strFrame+=' DateLayer.posLeft += window.event.clientX-datelayerx;/*Since the mouse position is restored to the initial position after each movement , so the writing method is different from that in div*/'; strFrame+=' DateLayer.posTop += window.event.clientY-datelayery;}}'; strFrame+='function DragStart() /*Start calendar dragging*/'; strFrame+= '{var DateLayer=parent.document.all.downcodesDateLayer.style;'; strFrame+=' datelayerx=window.event.clientX;'; strFrame+=' datelayery=window.event.clientY;'; strFrame+=' bDrag=true; }'; strFrame+='function DragEnd(){ /*End calendar drag*/'; strFrame+=' bDrag=false;}'; strFrame+='</scr' + 'ipt>'; strFrame+='<div style ="z-index:9999;position: absolute; left:0; top:0;" onselectstart="return false"><span id=tmpSelectYearLayer Author=wayx style="z-index: 9999;position: absolute;top : 3; left: 19;display: none"></span>'; strFrame+='<span id=tmpSelectMonthLayer Author=wayx style="z-index: 9999;position: absolute;top: 3; left: 78; display: none"></span>'; strFrame+='<table style="FILTER:dropshadow(color=#EDEDF8,offx=3.3,offy=3.3,positive=1);" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding=" 0" width="100%" border="0"><tr><td>'; // Control border color strFrame+='<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=182 height=160 bgColor=" #FFFFFF" borderColorLight=#7197CA borderColorDark="#ffffff" Author="wayx">'; strFrame+=' <tr Author="wayx"><td width=182 height=23 Author="wayx" bgcolor=#FFFFFF> <table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=180 Author="wayx" height=23>'; strFrame+=' <tr align=center Author="wayx"><td width=16 align=center bgcolor=# B6CAE4 style="font-size:12px;cursor: hand;color: #ffffff" '; strFrame+=' onclick="parent.downcodesPrevM()" title="Turn forward 1 month" Author=downcodes><b Author= downcodes><</b>'; strFrame+=' </td><td width=60 align=center style="font-size:12px;cursor:default" Author=downcodes '; strFrame+='onmouseover="style. backgroundColor='#D7E1F0'" onmouseout="style.backgroundColor='white'" '; strFrame+='onclick="parent.tmpSelectYearInnerHTML(this.innerText.substring(0,4))" title="Click Select the year here"><span Author=downcodes id=downcodesYearHead></span></td>'; strFrame+='<td width=48 align=center style="font-size:12px;cursor:default" Author= downcodes onmouseover="style.backgroundColor='#D7E1F0'" '; strFrame+=' onmouseout="style.backgroundColor='white'" onclick="parent.tmpSelectMonthInnerHTML(this.innerText.length==3?this .innerText.substring(0,1):this.innerText.substring(0,2))"'; strFrame+=' title="Click here to select the month"><span id=downcodesMonthHead Author=downcodes></span>< /td>'; strFrame+=' <td width=16 bgcolor=#B6CAE4 align=center style="font-size:12px;cursor: hand;color: #ffffff" '; strFrame+=' onclick="parent.downcodesNextM( )" title="Turn back 1 month" Author=downcodes><b Author=downcodes>></b></td></tr>'; strFrame+=' </table></td></tr >'; strFrame+=' <tr Author="wayx"><td width=180 height=18 Author="wayx">'; strFrame+='<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=#618BC5 ' + (bMoveable? 'onmousedown="DragStart()" onmouseup="DragEnd()"':''); strFrame+=' BORDERCOLORLIGHT=#3677b1 bgcolor=#5168C8 BORDERCOLORDARK=#FFFFFF width="100%" height=25 Author= "wayx" style="cursor:' + (bMoveable ? 'move':'default') + '">'; strFrame+='<tr Author="wayx" valign="middle" align="center"><td style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF" Author=downcodes><b>日</b></td>'; strFrame+='<td style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF " Author=downcodes><b>一</b></td><td style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF" Author=downcodes><b>二</b></td>' ; strFrame+='<td style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF" Author=downcodes><b>三</b></td><td style="font-size:12px;color:# FFFFFF" Author=downcodes><b>四</b></td>'; strFrame+='<td style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF" Author=downcodes><b>五</b ></td><td style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF" Author=downcodes><b>六</b></td></tr>'; strFrame+='</table> </td></tr><!-- Author:FRHuang(downcodes) http://www.downcodes.com/ mail: downcodes@hzcnc.com 2002-10-8 -->'; strFrame+=' <tr Author="wayx"><td width="100%" height=120 Author="wayx">'; strFrame+=' <table border=1 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0 borderColorDark=#ffffff bgColor=#FFFFFF borderColorLight=# 83A4D1 width="100%" height=120 Author="wayx">'; var n=0; for (j=0;j<5;j++){ strFrame+= ' <tr align=center Author="wayx"> '; for (i=0;i<7;i++){ strFrame+='<td width=25 height=25 id=downcodesDay'+n+' style="font-size:12px" Author=downcodes onclick=parent.downcodesDayClick (this.innerText,0)></td>';n++;} strFrame+='</tr>';} strFrame+=' <tr align=center Author="wayx">'; for (i=35;i <39;i++)strFrame+='<td width=25 height=25 id=downcodesDay'+i+' style="font-size:12px" Author=wayx onclick="parent.downcodesDayClick(this.innerText,0)"> </td>'; strFrame+=' <td colspan=3 align=right Author=downcodes><span onclick=parent.closeLayer() style="font-size:12px;cursor: hand"'; strFrame+=' Author= downcodes title="' + _VersionInfo + '"><u>Close</u></span> </td></tr>'; strFrame+=' </table></td></tr><tr Author="wayx"><td Author="wayx">'; strFrame+=' <table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=100% Author="wayx" bgcolor=#FFFFFF>'; strFrame+=' < tr Author="wayx"><td Author=downcodes align=left><input Author=downcodes type=button class=button style="cursor:hand" value="<<" title="Go forward 1 year" onclick ="parent.downcodesPrevY()" '; strFrame+=' onfocus="this.blur()" style="font-size: 12px; height: 20px"><input Author=downcodes class=button title="Turn forward 1 month" type=button '; strFrame+=' value="< " style="cursor:hand" onclick="parent.downcodesPrevM()" onfocus="this.blur()" style="font-size: 12px; height: 20px"></td><td '; strFrame+=' Author=downcodes align=center><input Author=downcodes style="cursor:hand" type=button class=button value=Today onclick="parent.downcodesToday ()" '; strFrame+=' onfocus="this.blur()" title="Current date" style="font-size: 12px; height: 20px; cursor:hand"></td><td '; strFrame+ =' Author=downcodes align=right><input Author=downcodes type=button class=button value=" >" style="cursor:hand" onclick="parent.downcodesNextM()" '; strFrame+=' onfocus="this .blur()" title="Turn back 1 month" class=button style="font-size: 12px; height: 20px"><input '; strFrame+=' Author=downcodes type=button class=button style=" cursor:hand" value=">>" title="Turn back 1 year" onclick="parent.downcodesNextY()"'; strFrame+=' onfocus="this.blur()" style="font-size: 12px ; height: 20px"></td>'; strFrame+='</tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></div >'; window.frames.downcodesDateLayer.document.writeln(strFrame); window.frames.downcodesDateLayer.document.close(); //Solve the problem that the IE progress bar does not end //========== ========================================== WEB page display part==== ================================================== var outObject; var outButton; //Clicked button var outDate=""; //Storage date of object var odatelayer=window.frames.downcodesDateLayer.document.all; //Storage calendar object function setday(tt,obj) // Main calling function { if (arguments.length > 2){alert("Sorry! There are too many parameters passed into this control! ");return;} if (arguments.length == 0){alert("Sorry! You did not return any parameters for this control!");return;} var dads = document.all.downcodesDateLayer.style; var th = tt; var ttop = tt.offsetTop; //The height of the anchor point of the TT control var thei = tt.clientHeight; //The height of the TT control itself var tleft = tt.offsetLeft; //The width of the anchor point of the TT control var ttyp = tt .type; //Type of TT control while (tt = tt.offsetParent){ttop+=tt.offsetTop; tleft+=tt.offsetLeft;} dads.top = (ttyp=="image")? ttop+thei : ttop+ thei+6; dads.left = tleft; outObject = (arguments.length == 1) ? th : obj; outButton = (arguments.length == 1) ? null : th; //Set the external click button// Display the calendar year and month based on the date of the current input box var reg = /^(d+)-(d{1,2})-(d{1,2})$/; var r = outObject.value. match(reg); if(r!=null){ r[2]=r[2]-1; var d= new Date(r[1], r[2],r[3]); if(d .getFullYear()==r[1] && d.getMonth()==r[2] && d.getDate()==r[3]){ outDate=d; //Save the date passed in from the outside} else outDate=""; downcodesSetDay(r[1],r[2]+1); } else{ outDate=""; downcodesSetDay(new Date().getFullYear(), new Date().getMonth() + 1) ; } dads.display = ''; event.returnValue=false; } var MonHead = new Array(12); //Define the maximum number of days in each month in the solar calendar MonHead[0] = 31; MonHead[1] = 28; MonHead[2] = 31; MonHead[3] = 30; MonHead[4] = 31; MonHead[5] = 30; MonHead[6] = 31; MonHead[7] = 31; MonHead[8] = 30; MonHead [9] = 31; MonHead[10] = 30; MonHead[11] = 31; var downcodesTheYear=new Date().getFullYear(); //The initial value of the variable that defines the year var downcodesTheMonth=new Date().getMonth ()+1; //define the initial value of the variable for the month var downcodesWDay=new Array(39); //define the array function for writing the date document.onclick() //Close the control when any click //It is OK in the case of ie6 Replaced by the following switching focus processing { with(window.event) { if (srcElement.getAttribute("Author")==null && srcElement != outObject && srcElement != outButton) closeLayer(); } } function document.onkeyup( ) //Press the Esc key to close, switch focus to close { if (window.event.keyCode==27){ if(outObject)outObject.blur(); closeLayer(); } else if(document.activeElement) if(document. activeElement.getAttribute("Author")==null && document.activeElement != outObject && document.activeElement != outButton) { closeLayer(); } } function downcodesWriteHead(yy,mm) //Write the current year into the head with month { odatelayer.downcodesYearHead.innerText = yy + "year"; odatelayer.downcodesMonthHead.innerText = mm + "month"; } function tmpSelectYearInnerHTML(strYear) //Year drop-down box { if (strYear.match(/D/ )!=null){alert("The year input parameter is not a number! ");return;} var m = (strYear) ? strYear : new Date().getFullYear(); if (m < 1000 || m > 9999) {alert("The year value is not between 1000 and 9999!") ;return;} var n = m - 10; if (n < 1000) n = 1000; if (n + 26 > 9999) n = 9974; var s = " <select Author=downcodes name=tmpSelectYear style='font- size: 12px' " s += "onblur='document.all.tmpSelectYearLayer.style.display="none"' " s += "onchange='document.all.tmpSelectYearLayer.style.display="none ";" s += "parent.downcodesTheYear = this.value; parent.downcodesSetDay(parent.downcodesTheYear,parent.downcodesTheMonth)'>rn"; var selectInnerHTML = s; for (var i = n; i < n + 26; i++) { if (i == m) {selectInnerHTML += "<option Author=wayx value='" + i + "' selected>" + i + "year" + "</option>r n";} else {selectInnerHTML += "<option Author=wayx value='" + i + "'>" + i + "year" + "</option>rn";} } selectInnerHTML += " </select>"; odatelayer.tmpSelectYearLayer.style.display=""; odatelayer.tmpSelectYearLayer.innerHTML = selectInnerHTML; odatelayer.tmpSelectYear.focus(); } function tmpSelectMonthInnerHTML(strMonth) //Month drop-down box { if (strMonth. match(/D/)!=null){alert("The month input parameter is not a number! ");return;} var m = (strMonth) ? strMonth : new Date().getMonth() + 1; var s = " <select Author=downcodes name=tmpSelectMonth style='font-size: 12px' " s + = "onblur='document.all.tmpSelectMonthLayer.style.display="none"' " s += "onchange='document.all.tmpSelectMonthLayer.style.display="none";" s += " parent.downcodesTheMonth = this.value; parent.downcodesSetDay(parent.downcodesTheYear,parent.downcodesTheMonth)'>rn"; var selectInnerHTML = s; for (var i = 1; i < 13; i++) { if (i == m) {selectInnerHTML += "<option Author=wayx value='"+i+"' selected>"+i+"月"+"</option>rn";} else {selectInnerHTML += "< option Author=wayx value='"+i+"'>"+i+"month"+"</option>rn";} } selectInnerHTML += "</select>"; odatelayer.tmpSelectMonthLayer.style.display =""; odatelayer.tmpSelectMonthLayer.innerHTML = selectInnerHTML; odatelayer.tmpSelectMonth.focus(); } function closeLayer() //Close this layer { document.all.downcodesDateLayer.style.display="none"; } function IsPinYear( year) //Judge whether it is a leap year { if (0==year%4&&((year%100!=0)||(year%400==0))) return true;else return false; } function GetMonthCount(year ,month) //February in a leap year has 29 days { var c=MonHead[month-1];if((month==2)&&IsPinYear(year)) c++;return c; } function GetDOW(day,month,year) //Find the day of the week for a certain day { var dt=new Date(year,month-1,day).getDay()/7; return dt; } function downcodesPrevY() //Turn forward Year { if(downcodesTheYear > 999 && downcodesTheYear <10000){downcodesTheYear--;} else{alert("Year out of range (1000-9999)! ");} downcodesSetDay(downcodesTheYear,downcodesTheMonth); } function downcodesNextY() //Go back to Year { if(downcodesTheYear > 999 && downcodesTheYear <10000){downcodesTheYear++;} else{alert("Year out of range (1000-9999) ! ");} downcodesSetDay(downcodesTheYear,downcodesTheMonth); } function downcodesToday() //Today Button { var today; downcodesTheYear = new Date().getFullYear(); downcodesTheMonth = new Date().getMonth()+1; today =new Date().getDate(); //downcodesSetDay(downcodesTheYear,downcodesTheMonth); if(outObject){ outObject.value=downcodesTheYear + "-" + downcodesTheMonth + "-" + today; } closeLayer(); } function downcodesPrevM () //Turn forward the month { if(downcodesTheMonth>1){downcodesTheMonth--}else{downcodesTheYear--;downcodesTheMonth=12;} downcodesSetDay(downcodesTheYear,downcodesTheMonth); } function downcodesNextM() //Turn the month backward{ if(downcodesTheMonth==12){downcodesTheYear++;downcodesTheMonth=1}else{downcodesTheMonth++} downcodesSetDay(downcodesTheYear,downcodesTheMonth); } function downcodesSetDay(yy,mm) //Main writing program************ { downcodesWriteHead(yy,mm); //Set the public variable of the current year and month to the incoming value downcodesTheYear=yy; downcodesTheMonth=mm; for (var i = 0; i < 39; i++){downcodesWDay[i]=""} ; //Clear all the contents of the display box var day1 = 1,day2=1,firstday = new Date(yy,mm-1,1).getDay(); //The day of the week on the first day of a certain month for (i =0;i<firstday;i++)downcodesWDay[i]=GetMonthCount(mm==1?yy-1:yy,mm==1?12:mm-1)-firstday+i+1 //Last month’s Last days for (i = firstday; day1 < GetMonthCount(yy,mm)+1; i++){downcodesWDay[i]=day1;day1++;} for (i=firstday+GetMonthCount(yy,mm);i<39; i++){downcodesWDay[i]=day2;day2++} for (i = 0; i < 39; i++) { var da = eval("odatelayer.downcodesDay"+i) //Write the date and week arrangement of the new month if (downcodesWDay[i]!="") { //Initialize the border da.borderColorLight="#76A0CF"; da.borderColorDark="#76A0CF"; if(i<firstday) //Last month's part { da.innerHTML ="<font style=' color: #B5C5D2;'>" + downcodesWDay[i] + "</font>"; da.title=(mm==1?12:mm-1) +"month" + downcodesWDay [i] + "Day"; da.onclick=Function("downcodesDayClick(this.innerText,-1)"); if(!outDate) da.style.backgroundColor = ((mm==1?yy-1:yy ) == new Date().getFullYear() && (mm==1?12:mm-1) == new Date().getMonth()+1 && downcodesWDay[i] == new Date().getDate( )) ? "#E4E3F2":"#FFFFFF"; else { da.style.backgroundColor =((mm==1?yy-1:yy)==outDate.getFullYear() && (mm==1?12: mm-1)== outDate.getMonth() + 1 && downcodesWDay[i]==outDate.getDate())? "#E8F5E7" : // Select date color (((mm==1?yy-1:yy ) == new Date().getFullYear() && (mm==1?12:mm-1) == new Date().getMonth()+1 && downcodesWDay[i] == new Date().getDate( )) ? "#E4E3F2":"#FFFFFF"); //Current system time color //Display the selected date as concave if((mm==1?yy-1:yy)==outDate.getFullYear( ) && (mm==1?12:mm-1)== outDate.getMonth() + 1 && downcodesWDay[i]==outDate.getDate()) { //da.borderColorLight="#E4E3F2"; // da.borderColorDark="#E4E3F2"; //Select date border color} } } else if (i>=firstday+GetMonthCount(yy,mm)) //Next month's part{ da.innerHTML="<font style= ' color: #B5C5D2;'>" + downcodesWDay[i] + "</font>"; da.title=(mm==12?1:mm+1) +"month" + downcodesWDay[i] + "日"; da.onclick=Function("downcodesDayClick(this.innerText,1)"); if(!outDate) da.style.backgroundColor = ((mm==12?yy+1:yy) == new Date() .getFullYear() && (mm==12?1:mm+1) == new Date().getMonth()+1 && downcodesWDay[i] == new Date().getDate()) ? "#E4E3F2" :"#FFFFFF"; else { da.style.backgroundColor =((mm==12?yy+1:yy)==outDate.getFullYear() && (mm==12?1:mm+1)== outDate .getMonth() + 1 && downcodesWDay[i]==outDate.getDate())? "#E8F5E7" : // Selected date color (((mm==12?yy+1:yy) == new Date() .getFullYear() && (mm==12?1:mm+1) == new Date().getMonth()+1 && downcodesWDay[i] == new Date().getDate()) ? "#E4E3F2" :"#FFFFFF"); //Current system time//Display the selected date as concave if((mm==12?yy+1:yy)==outDate.getFullYear() && (mm==12? 1:mm+1)== outDate.getMonth() + 1 && downcodesWDay[i]==outDate.getDate()) { da.borderColorLight="#E4E3F2"; da.borderColorDark="#E4E3F2"; // Select Date border color} } } else //Part of this month{ da.innerHTML="<font style=' color: #3E5468;'>" + downcodesWDay[i] + "</FONT>"; da.title=mm +"month" + downcodesWDay[i] + "day"; da.onclick=Function("downcodesDayClick(this.innerText,0)"); //Assign onclick event processing to td //If it is the currently selected date, A bright blue background is displayed; if it is the current date, a dark yellow background is displayed if(!outDate) da.style.backgroundColor = (yy == new Date().getFullYear() && mm == new Date(). getMonth()+1 && downcodesWDay[i] == new Date().getDate())? "#FFFFFF":"#FFFFFF"; else { da.style.backgroundColor =(yy==outDate.getFullYear() && mm== outDate.getMonth() + 1 && downcodesWDay[i]==outDate.getDate())? "#D5ECD2":((yy == new Date().getFullYear() && mm == new Date() .getMonth()+1 && downcodesWDay[i] == new Date().getDate())? "#E4E3F2":"#F8F8FC"); // The previous one is the current system time, and the next one is the time of this month. //Display the selected date as concave if(yy==outDate.getFullYear() && mm== outDate.getMonth() + 1 && downcodesWDay[i]==outDate.getDate()) { //da.borderColorLight ="#E4E3F2"; //da.borderColorDark="#E4E3F2"; //Select date border color} } } da.style.cursor="hand" da.onmouseover=Function("this.backgroundColor='#000000' ;this.borderColorDark='#000099';this.borderColorLight='#000099';"); da.onmouseout=Function("this.bgColor='#000000';this.borderColorDark='#9CBADE';this.borderColorLight ='#9CBADE';"); } else{da.innerHTML="";da.style.backgroundColor="";da.style.cursor="default";da.onmouseover=Function("this.backgroundColor=' #000000';this.borderColorDark='#000099';this.borderColorLight='#000099';"); da.onmouseout=Function("this.bgColor='#000000';this.borderColorDark='#9CBADE'; this.borderColorLight='#9CBADE';");} } } function downcodesDayClick(n,ex) //Click on the display box to select the date, main input function****************** { var yy= downcodesTheYear; var mm = parseInt(downcodesTheMonth)+ex; //ex represents the offset, used to select the date of the previous month and the next month //Judge the month and perform corresponding processing if(mm<1){ yy --; mm=12+mm; } else if(mm>12){ yy++; mm=mm-12; } if (mm < 10){mm = "0" + mm;} if (outObject) { if ( !n) {//outObject.value=""; return;} if ( n < 10){n = "0" + n;} outObject.value= yy + "-" + mm + "-" + n ; //Note: Here you can change the output to the format you want closeLayer(); } else {closeLayer(); alert("The control object you want to output does not exist! ");} } //--> </script> </head> <body> Click the input box with the mouse to see the effect<input type="text" name="d" style="width:120px;" onclick="setday(this)"> </body> </html>