<!-- Saved From url=http://www.downcodes.com/js --> <!-- Web Design bbs url=http://www.downcodes.com/bbs--> <!--Required There are two steps required to achieve this effect. The first step is to add the following code to the <head> area --> <script> var Temp; var TimerId = null; var TimerRunning = false; Seconds = 0 Minutes = 0 Hours = 0 function showtime() { if(Seconds >= 59) { Seconds = 0 if(Minutes >= 59) { Minutes = 0 if(Hours >= 23) { Seconds = 0 Minutes = 0 Hours = 0 } else { ++Hours } } else { ++Minutes } } else { ++Seconds } if(Seconds != 1) { var ss="s" } else { var ss="" } if(Minutes != 1) { var ms="s " } else { var ms="" } if(Hours != 1) { var hs="s" } else { var hs="" } Temp = 'You have been on this page for '+Hours+' hours'+' , '+Minutes+' minutes'+', '+Seconds+' seconds'+'' window.status = Temp; TimerId = setTimeout("showtime()", 1000); TimerRunning = true; } var TimerId = null; var TimerRunning = false; function stopClock() { if(TimerRunning) clearTimeout(TimerId); TimerRunning = false; } function startClock() { stopClock(); showtime(); } function stat(txt) { window.status = txt; setTimeout( "erase()", 2000); } function erase() { window.status = ""; } </SCRIPT> <!--Step 2: Add "onLoad="startClock()"" to <body> For example in the tag: --> <body onLoad="startClock()">