<!--To achieve this effect, three steps are required. Step 1: Add the following code to the <head> area--> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin var byear = prompt('Please enter Your year of birth','1976'); var mm = prompt('Please enter your month of birth','6'); var bday = prompt('Please enter your day of birth','10'); var year = new Date(); var year2 = year.getYear(); var year3 = (year < 2000) ? year2 + 1900 : year2; thedate = new Date(); mm2 = thedate.getMonth() + 1; dd2 = thedate.getDate(); yy2 = thedate.getYear(); if (yy2 < 100) yy2 += 1900 yourage = yy2 - byear; if (mm2 < mm) yourage--; if ((mm2 == mm) && ( dd2 < bday)) yourage--; TMonth = new Array( 'January','February','March', 'April','May','June','July', 'August','September', 'October', 'November','December' ); CurMonth = mm - 1; bmonth = TMonth[CurMonth]; var age2 = yourage + 1; var timerID; var timerRunning = false; var today = new Date(); var startday = new Date(); var enday = new Date(); var secPerDay = 0; var minPerDay = 0; var hourPerDay = 0; var secsLeft = 0; var secsRound = 0; var secsRemain = 0; var minLeft = 0; var minRound = 0; var minRemain = 0; var timeRemain = 0; function stopclock() { if(timerRunning) clearTimeout(timerID); timerRunning = false; } function startclock() { stopclock(); showtime(); showtime1() ; } function showtime() { today = new Date(); enday = new Date(""+bmonth+", "+bday+" "+year3+" 00:00"); enday.setYear(""+year3+"") ; secsPerDay = 1000 ; minPerDay = 60 * 1000 ; hoursPerDay = 60 * 60 * 1000; PerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; secsLeft = (enday.getTime() - today.getTime()) / minPerDay; secsRound = Math .round(secsLeft); secsRemain = secsLeft - secsRound; secsRemain = (secsRemain < 0) ? secsRemain = 60 - ((secsRound - secsLeft) * 60) : secsRemain = (secsLeft - secsRound) * 60; secsRemain = Math.round( secsRemain); minLeft = ((enday.getTime() - today.getTime()) / hoursPerDay); minRound = Math.round(minLeft); minRemain = minLeft - minRound; minRemain = (minRemain < 0) ? minRemain = 60 - ((minRound - minLeft) * 60) : minRemain = ((minLeft - minRound) * 60); minRemain = Math.round(minRemain - 0.495); hoursLeft = ((enday.getTime() - today.getTime()) / hoursRound = Math.round(hoursLeft); hoursRemain = hoursLeft - hoursRound; hoursRemain = (hoursRemain < 0) ? hoursRemain = 24 - ((hoursRound - hoursLeft) * 24) : hoursRemain = ((hoursLeft - hoursRound) * 24 ); hoursRemain = Math.round(hoursRemain - 0.5); daysLeft = ((enday.getTime() - today.getTime()) / PerDay); daysLeft = (daysLeft - 0.5); daysRound = Math.round(daysLeft); daysRemain = daysRound; if (daysRemain == 1) day_rem = " days, " else day_rem = " days, " if (hoursRemain == 1) hour_rem = " hours, " else hour_rem = " hours, " if (minRemain == 1 ) min_rem = " minutes, " else min_rem = " minutes, " if (secsRemain == 1) sec_rem = " seconds" else sec_rem = " seconds" timeRemain = daysRemain + day_rem + hoursRemain + hour_rem + minRemain + min_rem + secsRemain + sec_rem; document.down.face.value = timeRemain; timerID = setTimeout("showtime()",1000); timerRunning = true; if (daysRemain < 0) year3 = year3 + 1 } function showtime1() { startday = new Date(" "+bmonth+" "+bday+", "+byear+" 00:00 EDT"); startday.setYear(""+byear+""); today = new Date(); secsPerDay = 1000; minPerDay = 60 * 1000; hoursPerDay = 60 * 60 * 1000; PerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; secsLeft = (today.getTime() - startday.getTime()) / minPerDay; secsRound = Math.round(secsLeft); secsRemain = secsLeft - secsRound; secsRemain = (secsRemain < 0) ? secsRemain = 60 - ((secsRound - secsLeft) * 60) : secsRemain = (secsLeft - secsRound) * 60; secsRemain = Math.round(secsRemain); minLeft = ((today.getTime() - startday.getTime()) / hoursPerDay); minRound = Math.round(minLeft); minRemain = minLeft - minRound; minRemain = (minRemain < 0) ? minRemain = 60 - ((minRound - minLeft) * 60) : minRemain = ((minLeft - minRound) * 60); minRemain = Math.round(minRemain - 0.495); hoursLeft = ((today.getTime() - startday.getTime()) / PerDay); hoursRound = Math.round(hoursLeft); hoursRemain = hoursLeft - hoursRound; hoursRemain = (hoursRemain < 0) ? hoursRemain = 24 - ((hoursRound - hoursLeft) * 24) : hoursRemain = ((hoursLeft - hoursRound) * 24); hoursRemain = Math.round(hoursRemain - 0.5) ; daysLeft = ((today.getTime() - startday.getTime()) / PerDay); daysLeft = (daysLeft - 0.5); daysRound = Math.round(daysLeft); daysRemain = daysRound; if (daysRemain == 1) day_rem = " days, " else day_rem = " days, " if (hoursRemain == 1) hour_rem = " hours, " else hour_rem = " hours, " if (minRemain == 1) min_rem = " minutes, " else min_rem = " minutes , " if (secsRemain == 1) sec_rem = " seconds" else sec_rem = " seconds" timeRemain = daysRemain + day_rem + hoursRemain + hour_rem + minRemain + min_rem + secsRemain + sec_rem; document.up.face.value = timeRemain; timerID = setTimeout("showtime1()",1000); timerRunning = true; } // End --> </script> <!--Step 2: Add the following code to the <body> area--> <center> <form name="down" onSubmit="0"> <script Language="JavaScript"> document.write("<b>Your birth date is: "+byear+" year "+mm+" month "+bday+" day . ("+mm+"/"+bday+"/"+byear+")</b>"); document.write("<br><br>This year you are "+yourage+" years old, and you are "+age2+" " Years old:"); </script> <br> <input type="text" name="face" size="47" value="A browser supporting JavaScript 1.1+ is needed."> </form> <p> <br> <form name="up" onSubmit="1"> Here is how long you will live in this world<br> <input type="text" name="face" size="47" value= "A browser supporting JavaScript 1.1+ is needed."> </form> </center> <!--Step 3: Add "OnLoad="startclock()"" to the <body> tag. For example: --> <body OnLoad="startclock()">