<!-- http://www.downcodes.com/js --> <!--To achieve this effect, two steps are required. The first step is: add the following code to the <head> area --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE ="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin var msg = new Array(); Stamp = new Date(); today = Stamp.getDate(); msg[1] = "Message No. 1"; msg[2] = "Message from No. 2"; msg[3] = "Message from No. 3"; msg[4] = "Message from No. 4"; msg[5] = "Message from No. 5"; msg[6] = "6 msg[7] = "Message of No. 7"; msg[8] = "Message of No. 8"; msg[9] = "Message of No. 9"; msg[10] = "Message of No. 10 Message"; msg[11] = "Message on the 11th"; msg[12] = "Message on the 12th"; msg[13] = "Message on the 13th"; msg[14] = "Message on the 14th" ; msg[15] = "Message on the 15th"; msg[16] = "Message on the 16th"; msg[17] = "Message on the 17th"; msg[18] = "Message on the 18th"; msg [19] = "Message on the 19th"; msg[20] = "Message on the 20th"; msg[21] = "Message on the 21st"; msg[22] = "Message on the 22nd"; msg[23 ] = "Message on the 23rd"; msg[24] = "Message on the 24th"; msg[25] = "Message on the 25th"; msg[26] = "Message on the 26th"; msg[27] = "Message on the 27th"; msg[28] = "Message on the 28th"; msg[29] = "Message on the 29th"; msg[30] = "Message on the 30th"; msg[31] = "31 message"; function writeTip() { document.write(msg[today]); } // End --> </script> <!--Step 2: Add the following code to the <body> area- -> <script> writeTip(); </script>