Chinese phone number verification matching format such as: 0511-4405222 or 021-87888822 or 021-44055520-555 or (0511)4405222
The regular expression "((d{3,4})|d{3,4}-)?d{7,8}(-d{3})*"
Chinese postal code verification matching form is: 215421
Regular expression "d{6}"
email verification matching form such as: [email protected]
Regular expression "w+([-+.]w+)*@w+([-.]w+)*.w+([-.]w+)*"
ID card verification matching form, such as: 15-digit or 18-digit ID card regular expression The expression "d{18}|d{15}"
is a common numerical verification regular expression
"d{n}" n is the specified length
"d{n,m}" Illegal characters in the length range from n to m
Verification matches illegal characters such as: < > & / ' |
Regular expression [^<>&/|'] +
date verification matching format such as: 20030718,030718
Regular expression ((((19){1}|(20){1})d{2})|d{2})[01]{1}d{1}[0-3]{1}d {1}