"In the Name of Shining" Chi Meng? This is one of the more popular outfits in the official poster of "In the Name of Shining". The official also released the face-shaping data on the poster on Weibo, so let us learn about "In the Name of Shining" together. 》Chi Meng’s official face pinching data ID.
Source of face-pinching data: Weibo user @Ranliangxia-
Face pinching to share [Chi Meng] Body type: Female
Taiwanese costume with makeup 918071
Taiwanese costume without makeup 918073
National server 2108994
The above is the "In the Name of Shining" Chi Meng brought to you, I hope it will be helpful to you. For more related strategy information, please pay attention to the "In the Name of Shining" section of this website.