ASP.NET2.0 Club Web Site Starter Kit has a big flaw: it does not support Chinese.
Here are two solutions for your reference. Method 1:
1) Since most of us develop using SQL SERVER2005 EXPRESS, after establishing the data tables required by Club, change the varchar type of each table to nvarchar.
2) Replace all AnsiString in the DataSet.xsd file in the app_code directory with String.
That will solve this problem.
It took me about 10 minutes to find and fix the above BUG, but not everyone can solve these problems easily ^_^ (just kidding)
The second solution is to use a SQL 2000 database and change the default language from Chinese to English.
Of course, if you use SQL 2000, you also need to configure web.config and provide a custom Provider model or override the built-in Provider.