The limited commemorative event for the second anniversary of the Love of Light and Night will officially start on June 14th. During this period, the Silent Impact 2624 card pool mail collection event will be launched. The specific content is brought to you below. Interested players must not miss it!
Silent Impact: 2624 Second Anniversary Limited Edition
Opening time: Opening on June 14th
Card pool content:
The new dynamic six-star telepathy in the "Silent Impact: 2624" series is here!
How to participate:
Participate in the event "Elegy Before Dawn" to experience the limited-time event plot, and work with him to reverse the end of the world and build a new dawn.
Activity rewards:
You can obtain rich rewards such as limited card drawing props, event-limited consonance, and exclusive titles/avatar frames.
Card pool introduction:
One day, hundreds of billions of stars will burn out;
The universe withers away, leaving only the echo of humanity.
When countless years are annihilated in chaos and turned into silent silence,
In the silence of the world, let us embrace each other until the end of time...