"Film Dreamers" is a casual entertainment game that simulates business operations. So how do you match the lineup of Film Dreamers? Today we bring you the strongest lineup recommendations, let’s take a look!
1. Recommendation 1 for the strongest lineup of film industry dreamers: Ning Rong + Jiang Tianyu + Zhou Mingwei + Cao Ding'an.
This lineup is suitable for the costume camp, and is very suitable for beginners to start. Ning Rong, Jiang Tianyu, and Zhou Mingwei can get their wish by choosing costumes from the diamond scout. Cao Ding'an can choose costume artists at the start from the ordinary scout.
2. Recommendation 2 for the strongest lineup of film industry dreamers: Corinna + Langguan + Jons + Morishima Zangji
This is a sci-fi lineup, and it is also very powerful. Corinna, Langguan, and Jons can get it by choosing the sci-fi wish theme in the diamond scout. Zouji Morishima can get it by drawing from the exclusive talent scout.
3. Recommended three strongest lineups of film industry dreamers: Lei Zeyu + Miao Tohsaka + Jiang Dajun + Zhang Yi
This is a war-themed lineup. Lei Zeyu and Tohsaka Miao can get it by choosing the war wish theme in the diamond scout. Jiang Dajun can get it by choosing the war artist at the beginning from the ordinary scout. Zhang Yi can get it by choosing the war artist at the start.