For some people, Wallpaper Engine can be said to be the best software in the world. Although it is a pure wallpaper engine, with the blessing of the creative workshop, it can not only be used to set wallpapers, but also listen to music. Songs, watching videos, playing games, studying….
Wallpaper Engine
Wallpaper Engine is designed to provide a fun experience while not taking up a lot of resources. You can set it to automatically pause wallpapers when other applications go full screen without affecting game performance.
There are also options to fine-tune quality and performance to make Wallpaper Engine the perfect fit for your computer.
The official selling price of Wallpaper Engine is only 19 RMB, so you won’t be deceived if you buy it. Of course, I’m talking about the Steam version here, and the Wegame one has no soul.
I believe that gentlemen who know LSP have already bought it. Here is a free prostitution method for those who have never experienced it. If you think it is good, I strongly recommend you to join the regular one~
v2.2.18 RePack version
Repackaged version, can be installed and used directly
v2.0.98+ version
After unzipping, run installer.exe to install. The offline version cannot be directly connected to the creative workshop. You can refer to the instructions below to download the video wallpaper.
The download link provides 90 wallpapers for the editor's own use. Unzip and place them in the Wallpaper Engine installation package directoryprojectsdefaultprojects folder.
v2.0.44 version
Unzip the downloaded compressed package and you will see that there are two folders "Crack" and "Wallpaper Engine" inside.
First enter the "Wallpaper Engine" folder and run "installer.exe" as an administrator to complete the installation and settings.
Then exit the software, copy several files in Crack to the Wallpaper Engine folder and replace them, then start "wallpaper64" or "wallpaper32" to complete the offline version installation.
Note: There may be several error messages in the middle, just click OK to skip.
You can download it and open it with Wallpaper
1. Find your favorite wallpaper in the creative workshop:
2. Open one of the following two web pages
Copy and paste the selected wallpaper link to download the corresponding wallpaper.
3. Unzip the downloaded zip file into a separate folder. The folder name can be arbitrary. I personally recommend using the wallpaper name.
Just move the entire folder to the projectsmyprojects folder in the Wallpaper Engine installation directory.
You can also copy it to the defaultprojects folder, but there is already a default wallpaper in that folder.