JSP+JavaScript creates a second-level cascading drop-down menu:
class (first-level column information): classId (automatic numbering), className (column name), Nclass (secondary column information), NclassId (automatic numbering), NclassName (column name) , parentId (first-level column id, associated with classId in the class table)
<%@ page contentType=text/html; charset=GB2312 language=java errorPage=../error.jsp %> <%@ include file=../conn.jsp%> <%@ include file=../ds.jsp%> <%@ taglib uri=http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/sql divfix=sql %> <%request.setCharacterEncoding(gb2312); %> <HTML><HEAD> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=gb2312> <TITLE>Cascading menu</TITLE> <LINK rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=style.css> </HEAD> <!--Get secondary column information from the database--> <%String sql=select * from Nclass order by NclassId asc; ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql); %> <!--Save the secondary column information into the array subcat--> <script type=text/javascript> var onecount; onecount=0; subcat = new Array(); <% int count = 0; while(rs.next()){ %> subcat[<%=count%>] = new Array(<%=rs.getString(NclassName)%>, <%=rs.getString(NclassId)%>,<%=rs.getString(parentId)%>); <% count++; } rs.close(); %> onecount=<%=count%>; <!--Function that determines select display--> function changelocation(locationid) { document.myform.NclassId.length = 0; var locationid=locationid; var i; for (i=0;i < onecount; i++) { if (subcat[i][2] == locationid) { document.myform.NclassId.options[document.myform.NclassId.length] = new Option(subcat[i][0], subcat[i][1]); } } } </script> <FORM method=POST name=myform action=adminsave.jsp?action=add> <TABLE> <TR> <TD>First level classification</TD> <TD> <SELECT name=classId onChange=changelocation(document.myform.classId.options [document.myform.classId.selectedIndex].value) size=1> <OPTION selected value>==Please select a first-level category==</OPTION> <sql:query var=query dataSource=$> SELECT * FROM class </sql:query> <c:forEach var=row items=$> <option value=$>$</option> </c:forEach> </select> </TD> <TD>Select a secondary category</TD> <TD> <SELECT name=NclassId> <OPTION selected value>==Please select the second level category==</OPTION> </SELECT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> <%@ page contentType=text/html; charset=GB2312 language=java errorPage=../error.jsp %> <%@ include file=../conn.jsp%> <%@ include file=../ds.jsp%> <%@ taglib uri=http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/sql divfix=sql %> <%request.setCharacterEncoding(gb2312); %> <HTML><HEAD> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=gb2312> <TITLE>Cascading menu</TITLE> <LINK rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=style.css> </HEAD> <!--Get secondary column information from the database--> <%String sql=select * from Nclass order by NclassId asc; ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql); %> <!--Save the secondary column information into the array subcat--> <script type=text/javascript> var onecount; onecount=0; subcat = new Array(); <% int count = 0; while(rs.next()){ %> subcat[<%=count%>] = new Array(<%=rs.getString(NclassName)%>, <%=rs.getString(NclassId)%>,<%=rs.getString(parentId)%>); <% count++; } rs.close(); %> onecount=<%=count%>; <!--Function that determines select display--> function changelocation(locationid) { document.myform.NclassId.length = 0; var locationid=locationid; var i; for (i=0;i < onecount; i++) { if (subcat[i][2] == locationid) { document.myform.NclassId.options[document.myform.NclassId.length] = new Option(subcat[i][0], subcat[i][1]); } } } </script> <FORM method=POST name=myform action=adminsave.jsp?action=add> <TABLE> <TR> <TD>First level classification</TD> <TD> <SELECT name=classId onChange=changelocation(document.myform.classId.options [document.myform.classId.selectedIndex].value) size=1> <OPTION selected value>==Please select a first-level category==</OPTION> <sql:query var=query dataSource=$> SELECT * FROM class </sql:query> <c:forEach var=row items=$> <option value=$>$</option> </c:forEach> </select> </TD> <TD>Select a secondary category</TD> <TD> <SELECT name=NclassId> <OPTION selected value>==Please select the second level category==</OPTION> </SELECT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> |