var myDate = new Date();
myDate.getYear(); //Get the current year (2 digits)
myDate.getFullYear(); //Get the complete year (4 digits, 1970-????)
myDate.getMonth(); //Get the current month (0-11, 0 represents January)
myDate.getDate(); //Get the current day (1-31)
myDate.getDay(); //Get the current week X (0-6, 0 represents Sunday)
myDate.getTime(); //Get the current time (the number of milliseconds since 1970.1.1)
myDate.getHours(); //Get the current hours (0-23)
myDate.getMinutes(); //Get the current minutes (0-59)
myDate.getSeconds(); //Get the current seconds (0-59)
myDate.getMilliseconds(); //Get the current number of milliseconds (0-999)
myDate.toLocaleDateString(); //Get the current date
var mytime=myDate.toLocaleTimeString(); //Get the current time
myDate.toLocaleString( ); //Get date and time
if (mytime<"23:30:00")
java.text.SimpleDateFormat formatter = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
java.util.Date currentTime = new java.util.Date();//Get the current system time
String str_date1 = formatter.format(currentTime); //Format date and time
String str_date2 = currentTime.toString(); //Convert Date type date and time into string form