I have been working on websites for almost a year. I have worked on various websites, but it is just a hobby. I have never considered any profit models and other things! If a website does not have a feasible profit model, this kind of website is The development is not long-term, so those of us who build websites must figure out what the purpose of our website is? What do we want to get from the website? The following is my plan for an online part-time website. The writing is very simple.
The theme of my website is: Online part-time job.
The keywords are "online part-time job, online part-time job"
After analysis, we found that the competitiveness of keywords is still very high. Don’t be afraid of being competitive. What’s scary is that after ranking first on Baidu, you suddenly realize that the search volume is so small! Haha! Let’s get started!
1: CMS selection, you can choose any CMS, but there is one principle, that is, it must support static generation, or it can support pseudo-static. Dynamic is a must.
2: Cost analysis: virtual host (about 200), domain name (50) plus the hard work and sweat of the webmaster.
3: Market analysis shows that today’s office workers are not under great work pressure and have free time, and their wages may increase slowly. Many people want to open up a second way to make money, so online part-time jobs will be a good choice. Very good way.
4: Profit model. The profit model of Talent Network is actually very transparent and has no gimmicks.
Early stage: Advertising costs plus GGAD. The GGAD click-through rate of this site is quite high, and the ad matching is also perfect.
Later stage: advertising display + corporate membership fee + GGAD + part-time job seeker membership fee.
5: Promotion method. Since it is a part-time job online, the promotion method should still be based on online promotion, supplemented by offline promotion.
The above are my thoughts and ideas about operating an online part-time talent network.
My website: www.blzpw.com
My QQ:422842606