The TV cartoon "Youth Live" is adapted from the manga of the same name created by Misaki Takamatsu. On November 22, 2021, the official announced the production of a TV cartoon. The film is produced by PAWORKS and will be broadcast on April 4, 2023.
Introduction to Vibrant Youth
Iwakura Mitsumi went from a small junior high school in the countryside to a high school in Tokyo with the top score. This country prodigy came to Tokyo alone with a perfect life plan in mind. She has excellent grades, but she has a unique sense of distance from others and is slightly out of place. Although she occasionally failed, she still impressed her classmates little by little with her innocent character, causing their different personalities to gradually overlap. Meet, get to know each other, and finally connect with each other. Everyone gets upset and anxious sometimes. And irreplaceable friends will definitely bring opportunities for mutual understanding. This is a campus life comedy that has occasional noise but can make people happy unconsciously.