The story of Street takes place in a small border town in the 1980s. The male protagonist Li Minglai is an active soldier and is participating in a homeland defense war. During an ordinary trip back to his hometown to visit relatives, a series of extremely strange events happened, and the whereabouts of his most beloved wife were also unknown. Let’s follow the editor to take a look at the street online time introduction.
The debut work brought by Yunnan local team Biyun Studio, Chinese Horror Game Street has recently been scheduled to be launched in late August, and will be launched on mobile terminals and steam platforms. The game is now available for trial play on the steam platform. Street is a Chinese horror game based on Yunnan folk culture. The protagonist Li Ming comes back to his hometown to visit relatives, but his beloved wife's whereabouts are unknown. All the mysteries point to a place called Yin Yang Street.
The story of Street takes place in a small border town in the 1980s. The male protagonist Li Minglai is an active soldier and is participating in a homeland defense war. During an ordinary trip back to his hometown to visit relatives, a series of extremely strange events happened, and the whereabouts of his most beloved wife were also unknown. The once warm and happy home is now left with one mystery after another, all pointing to a mysterious and strange legend - Yin Yang Street. Whether it was a coincidence or a conspiracy, he had no time to think about it. The only thing he could do was to embark on this endless journey and explore the bottomless abyss.